Saturday, April 26, 2008


...this was the last newsletter sent out in April...

Hello ladies!As you might have noticed, there wasn't a March newsletter. Sorry, we were busy! So much has happened over the past several weeks!

>First of all, we have hired and fully trained two new instructors in New York. I want to welcome Naomi and Cheri on board. Check out their pics/bio here.
>Also, we had the grand opening party of Free Spirit Dance Studio in Austin. It was an amazing event and a ton of fun. The studio is gorgeous and SXT classes are now in full swing there.
>We also did taping for some great press coverage. Our Stripper Strength classes, Free Spirit, and Saralynn were covered in the morning segment on KVUE news in Austin for Fitness Fridays. It was a great clip. Check it out here. Also, I was on BETJ's show My Two Cents on Monday giving lap dance instruction and speaking a bit about our classes. (You might be able to catch it in re-runs.)
>We have also added another Stripper Strength class in NYC (Tuesdays @ 7:40 pm starting May 6th) and the Risque Rehearsal is back in June which is basically a review class for anyone who has ever taken a class with us and then realized they forgot everything a few weeks

On a side note, I myself had had a pretty eventful month. I was involved in the whole American Airlines debacle and was delayed THREE days getting back to New York. Believe me when I say it was an exercise in patience. But I returned to a much warmer NYC, and was pleasantly reminded that spring is upon us. And as you know, spring is the time for shirtless boys. Ahhh, spring. The picture is for your enjoyment. Yummy.

See ya in class,



P.S. Wedding season is upon us. Book SXT for the perfect bachelorette party, or sign up for private lessons to blow your hubby's mind on your wedding night!

April-May Schedule
Note: To ensure a spot in class, please try to sign up at least 1 week in advance.

Ok ladies, spring is here and it's time to do some spring your schedule, that is. Be sure to clear out some space to do something for yourself! Whether it is tightening your tush in Stripper Strength or rediscovering your racy side in the Desire Series. Then you can put on that french maid costume and show him what spring cleaning is really all about.

All tickets are pre-pay. Purchase tickets here.


THIS WEEK!! Basic Moves Intro: April 24th Thursday 7:00-9:00 pm @ Ripley Grier
Stripper Strength: Tuesdays 6:10-7:20 pm @ Pearl; Wednesdays 8:10-9:20 pm @ Ripley Grier; Sundays 2-3 pm at You Should Be Dancing
THIS WEEK!! Desire I Cram: April 27th Sunday 4:10-8:00 pm @ Champions

Basic Moves Intro: May 10th Saturday 3:00-5:00 pm @ Pearl
Basic Moves Intro: May 29th Thursday 7:00-9:00 pm @ Pearl
Lap Dance Intensive: May 15th Thursday 7:15-9:15 pm @ Pearl
Desire Series I Cram: May 17th Saturday 12:10-4:00pm @ Pearl
Strip Club Field Trip: May 8th Thursday 8pm (Location revealed upon sign up)
Stripper Strength: Tuesdays 6:10-7:20 pm @ Pearl; Wednesdays 8:10-9:20 pm @ Ripley Grier; Sundays 2-3 pm at You Should Be Dancing
*New class added! Stripper Strength Tuesdays 7:40-8:50pm @ Pearl
*Risque Rehearsal coming in June!

AUSTIN ...all classes are held at Free Spirit Dance Studio

Stripper Strength: Tuesdays 7:00-8:10 pm, Thursdays 6:00-7:10 pm

Basic Moves Intro: May 14th Wednesday 7:00-9:00 pm
Basic Moves Intro: May 31st Saturday 2:00-4:00 pm
Lap Dance Intensive: May 9th Friday 8:00-10:00 pm
Desire Series I Cram: May 3rd Saturday 2:00-5:45 pm
Strip Club Field Trip: May 21st Wednesday 9:00 pm (Location revealed upon sign up)
Stripper Strength: Tuesdays 7:00-8:10 pm, Thursdays 6:00-7:10 pm




Basic Moves Intro: $45 for one ticket, $80 for 2

Desire Series: $90

Strip Club Field Trip:$30

Stripper Strength: Drop ins are $20, but you can buy a punch card and save $. (1st class is fr*ee in Austin until April 30th) Private Lessons: $90 & upPrivate Parties: $150 & up

The Perfect Striptease Song

Students are always asking me what the perfect song should be for their striptease. I always direct them to the StripXpertease blog. There is a search box in upper left hand corner, and if you type in "songs to strip to," you can see all of our suggestions. The problem is, there isn't a perfect song that will fit everyone. So I thought I would share some tips on finding the right song for YOU.First of all, we need to change the language. It isn't the perfect song, it is the perfect songs. If you are dancing just for yourself, then the possibilities are endless. Try to find a song that conjures up emotion. It can be fast or slow, but beginners should always stick with slower songs. However, most of you are asking about songs because you want to perform for a loved one, and that is a totally different story.

First you need a CD or playlist of several songs. The first four are the most important. Song number one is the "anticipation" song. Sit your lover in a chair and put in your cd (or iPod/iTunes play list) and push play. Then walk away into the other room. Give him (or her for all my lovely lesbians) a full song to wait for your entrance. This song should be slow and sexy. Also watch the lyrics. For instance In the Air Tonight has a great beat, but the lyrics are a little heavy, so I wouldn't use it. Choose a song that talks about s*x and preferably one that builds. I think D'angelo's Untitled(How Does it Feel) or Romantic by Goapele is a perfect song to use. The second song is when you make your grand entrance. This has to be your favorite because this is where you do the most dancing. The lyrics need to make sense for the situation, so no songs about breakups, fights, or anything depressing. For instance, I love dancing to Bad Girl by Madonna and Hey Joe by Jimmy Hendrix, but the lyrics aren't very inspiring for your honey. I truly believe this song needs to be slow. Especially for beginners. You also want to try to find a song that builds or changes through out. A song with a repetitive beat will lead to repetitive dancing.

Here are some of my faves in different genres and time periods.

Come Undone ...Duran Duran

In Your Room ...Depeche Mode

Black Cherry ...Goldfrapp

One in a Million ...Aaliyah

Jungle Fever ...The Chakachas

Summertime Rolls ...Jane's Addiction

On the Hunt ...Lynyrd Skynyrd

Let's Stay Together ...Al Green

Brown Skin ...India Arie

Bed ...J. Holiday

Is This Real ...Lisa Hall

Strangers ...Portishead

Glory Box ...Portishead

Purple Rain ...Prince

Say Yes ...Floetry

Comfortably Numb ...Pink Floyd

Father Figure ...George Micheal

Again, try to find something with a slow or heavy beat. And NEVER lipsynch. I mean seriously. The third song should be just as good as song number two. You might find that you only want to dance to one song, but if you decide to go further into song three, then it will need to be just as sexy as song two. Any songs after that can be a little off track. Hopefully by this time you will be doing something else besides dancing ...if you get my drift. Just make sure to put the cd or playlist on repeat. And again for those who don't have a partner, just find a song that makes you feel, whether it is anger, happiness, or sadness. Then just put that emotion into the song.

My current fave to dance to is Ghost of You by Chemical Romance. Lately I have been getting back to my rock roots. Other current faves, Noticed by Mute Math or anything by 30 Seconds to Mars. Some of my past favorites have included, Jamie's Got a Gun by Aerosmith, Doll Parts by Hole, Drive by The Cars, Love Bites by Def Leppard, Stripped by Depeche Mode, Regulators by Warren G, Whats it Gonna Be by Busta Rhymes, Bittersweet Symphony by The Verve, How Do You Want It by 2Pac, and several old school Prince and Madonna songs.

We use several cds in class and students always go back to these as their faves: Glorybox, Portishead/ Come Undone, Duran Duran/ Say Yes, Floetry/ Closer, India Arie/ Feelin' Love, Paula Cole/ Teardrop, Massive Attack/ Come Here Boy, Imogen Heap. So find your perfect song and start listening to it over and over again. Once you know it backwards and forwards, then dance your heart out!


Private Lessons & Public Classes: Striptease, Lap Dancing, Floor Moves, Full Routines, Stripper Strength Strengthening Class, Couples Class, Lingerie Shopping Tours, Field Trips, Practice/Performance Class, Pleasure (Toy) Parties

Sign up for private lessons/public classes here.

See all class descriptions here.



PHONE: 1.800.747.1462 OR 212.677.1831


Studio Classes available in NYC & Austin, Texas.In-home classes available in NYC & Austin, Texas. In home classes also available in NY, Northern New Jersey, Long Island, Dallas, Houston, San Antonio, San Marcos, and various other Texas cities for an additional travel fee.

You can see previous newsletters on our blog

Secret Special: Contact us to set up a private party or lesson and mention the Secret Special. If you place your deposit for that party between April 23rd and 24th you'll save 10%. (A savings of up to $40)Newsletter

Give-Away: There was a band mentioned in the previous article about the perfect striptease song. They are one of my faves, and they have a new album coming out in a week. It is the 3rd album they have released. Who is it, and what is the name of the album? First one to correctly guess gets a free pass to a Basic Moves 2 hr Intro Class of their choosing.

The winner from the February newsletter was Paul S.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Strippers dating customers.

Did I do it ? (I hear this one a lot.)

Well, ...define "date."

From my experience and the stories of others, there are 5 different kinds of strip club customer-dancer dating.

  1. First, there is going out with a customer strictly for money, with nothing SEXUAL. I did this a few times, but generally hated it. Because you had to be "on" all night. You know, you had to be that personality that they liked the entire evening. That is hard work!! It was usually just dinner, usually several hundred dollars. I only did this the last year I was dancing. A lot of girls do this with their best regulars.

  2. Then there is going out with a regular because you honestly like him, and he isn't skeezy, and you have a good time. It isn't sexual AT ALL outside the club, just 2 people hanging out like friends. He might pay for some stuff but you pay for a lot yourself too. I have done this a lot. Including a trip to Vegas and several concerts.

  3. Then there are the guys that pay you, that you actually really like and you wish they weren't paying you. But that only happened once, and he was married. I felt bad about it afterwards, even though again, there wasn't any sexual contact. I was still very young, under 21 I believe. We went shopping, smoked out in his car, and went to dinner. I still have the dress he bought me... although I doubt I can fit into it.

  4. Then there are the few that you are really attracted to, you go out with, they don't pay you, and it is sexual. There were only 2 guys like this for me. One I loved. I mean I actually fell in love with him, and I have only truly been in love with 3 men in my lifetime. We can call him Billy. Billy was hot. And I was feeling spicy. It was the last dance of the night, and I was trying to get a buyer. He took me up on my offer and at the end of the dance, which was hottttt, I said, "You should come back, and you should be single." I think I bought him a shot too and had it sent to his table. We went out for a while. At the time I was in an open relationship with the boy. I should have dumped the boy and stayed with Billy, but it ended up being the other way around. I still regret that. Then there was another, we'll call him Kevin. Ahh Kevin...ha ha. Kevin pursued me hard. He was young, athletic, overly confident, and a bit of a prick, which of course I liked. I finally gave in. He was a stallion and an amazing lover. (Oh, this is the guy that bought me the rabbit!!) We had a lot of fun, and a lot of hot nights, but it never turned into anything overly romantic. I actually saw him recently in Austin. Still yummy. Some day I will tell you ladies about what he calls "The Cobra."

  5. Then there are the girls that actually do go out and perform "favors" for money. I knew some of these girls. But this just wasn't my bag. Of course, it was offered a lot, but I always said no. Once there was this guy who would come in every week and up his offer to sleep with him by a grand...crazy. But still I said no. Even a stripper has her boundaries. :)

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Kimberly playing around at Free Spirit Studio

This is me playing around at Free Spirit with Saralynn after a class. She is recording this on my This is pretty much the floor routine from Desire II. And the song is Feelin' Love by Paula that song!

Saturday, April 19, 2008