Friday, April 6, 2007

Pink Pussy Power!!

Ok, my hair...down pink. And I don't mean baby pink, I mean hot bright pink. And I love it!!!

A few weeks ago, I read an article in Business 2.0 about Nancy Jareki's new company called Betty Beauty. Nancy created Betty Beauty after she saw women sneaking home doggy bags of dye from the beauty shop to essentially make the purse match the shoes. She spent 2 yrs on R&D and came up with Betty Beauty's home pubic hair dye. It gives your "betty" a new life and even covers gray with a super safe, no drip formula.
As I read, my jaw was hanging. I was thinking, what will they think of next, and how do I get some!?! I couldn't WAIT to get on the computer and order online. I was SO siked! They had a few colors: blonde, black, auburn, brown and hells yeah, hot pink!!! I of course ordered "Fun Betty," the pink dye.

It arrived fairly quickly. I had already told Monica about my expected package, and was seriously itchy with excitement. It almost made me wish I was dancing again so that I could show all the girls. I wondered if the club girls already knew about this stuff. Maybe I was behind the times now. I used to always be up to date with all new beauty products because I worked with a hundred girls that all had to always look their best, and always had the money to buy every new fandangled product on the market.

The Fun Betty package had a tray, two tubes of color, developer, a pair of over sized silky soft mascara wands, and a stirrer/spatula. Also included was a small black triangle bean bag and pin that asked, "Is your betty ready?" I wondered, was it? I knew my roommate would be leaving for a good while and I felt like shoving him right out the door so I could get started.

First, I had to lighten the hair...essentially I had to get a blonde betty before the pink treatment. I used 1/2 the developer and half lightening creme so that I could save a little. As I mixed it became thick like cake frosting. The directions call for a trim outside of the "Safe Zone", which is a triangle shape right above your "betty." I personally think you should shave to perfect your triangle and THEN trim the actual hair inside the safe zone. They also recommend a patch test. I have been dyeing my hair, on top, for 10 years and have never actually done the 48 hour patch test. I have no patience and this time wasn't any different, but as I applied the first coating, I had a small panic attack. What if I did have to run to the ER with a burning muff?? That would be a bit embarrassing, to say the least. But the mixture was already on. No turning back now. A little cold and tingly, but no burning, whew! And I used the mixture just like frosting...using the spatula instead of the wand to frost my own cupcake.

Then I waited. I lounged on my bed and watched a little Survivor as I timed the 1/2 hour wait...yes 1/2 an hour. It wasn't bad though, and I could imagine the hair lightening under my white muff frosting beard, as I waited. What a trip! I thought that I might just leave it blonde and skip the pink if I really liked it.

Then it was time to take a shower and rinse. Which I just did in the tub. They recommend a shampoo and condition as well. How funny, but I admit to doing this one in my own before ...just to see if you could really soften your betty hair. But that's another story!

So I was now a blonde betty. This was a little weird for me. I have never really gotten into the fully shaved look. It feels a little to pre-pubescent. Like I lost my womanhood. I always have a little something. So the white blonde hair just looked like no hair at all. So I was ready to move to PINK!

So now I had to rinse the tray(it was getting a little flimsy now), and squeeze enough pink into the tray to complete the job. They also say you can keep a little extra for a boost as it fades. Left-overs, sweet! The color was Manic Panic Pink. I applied and went back for part 2 of Survivor. Realizing that, so far, I was a survivor!

I look like a pink monster now. And when it was time to rinse, I realized it stained my skin, but a little loofah action and some shampoo did the trick. As look down I am a little unimpressed. It is pink all right. But an hour plus of work for this? I think, well it was an adventure anyway. I dry off and walk to my room. As I pass the mirror, I do a double take. Wait a minute...this is this is hot! I love it! I just needed to see the full view!
Now I couldn't wait to show someone! But that is another story ;)


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