Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Pimples at thirty. Are you serious?

I woke up today with a pimple on my cheek. It is nothing new. They come occasionally. But you know, I am pissed! Because I thought as a child, a teenager, I thought it was just a kid thing. I mean right? Remember when you got your first pimple? Your mom says, "Oh, puberty. You are a teenager now!" So I assumed that it would end when PUBERTY ended ...RIGHT?!? But here I am 30...mmm, okaaay, 31 years old and still pissed that I get pimples. But here is something you might not know. Pimples are not loyal to the face. You can have chest pimples, back pimples, and ok if you knew about those, here is the shocker....butt pimples. It's true. But it seems to be a big stripper issue. Boy I tried it all, Clearasil pads, alcohol, baby wipes, but it happened. I suppose it is from having your butt exposed and sitting and different laps and men all night. But every girl seemed to be plagued at one time or another. (Remember the story about the concealer and the girl in the dressing room?)
Well, at least those days are ...ahem,behind me.

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