Sunday, July 12, 2009

Another day in the life of a stripper interview..and my 2 cents

Diablo Cody, before the big time.


Brook Busey-Hunt seemed to have it all. A college degree. Two loving parents. A job at an advertising agency and a supportive boyfriend.
So how in the world did she end up on the stripping pole?
In her words, boredom. Lol...yeah, isn't that why we all turn to stripping? She was 24. With her Catholic upbringing, she had never been on a motorcycle, gotten pregnant or thrown a drink in someone's face.
She was a drag.
So on a whim, Busey-Hunt decided to sign up for amateur night at a strip joint in Minneapolis. While she didn't win, she was seduced by an adrenaline rush she had never felt before. She continued to strip, eventually giving up her day job at an advertising agency to strip full-time.
"I think that for some people just doing the amateur night was enough to fill their curiosity," says Busey-Hunt, who writes under the name Diablo Cody. She grew up in Chicago and moved to Minneapolis for a man she met on the Internet and later married. "I became addicted. It was liberating for me."
Busey-Hunt, now 27 and a TV critic at an alternative weekly in Minneapolis, recounts her year dancing on the pole in "Candy Girl: A Year in the Life of an Unlikely Stripper" (Gotham, $24).
The book chronicles her adventures in the sex industry, with such intimate details as why clubs are kept cold (customers like it when strippers huddle together)I feel it's because sweaty guys are stinky and hard nipples look good. But yeah, WTF? Always SO COLD! I think it is because we were all half naked. and why strippers who wear white make more money (good girls wear white).
"There are a lot of books that go into the melancholy of stripping," says Busey-Hunt. "I wanted to write almost a traveling guide, where people could read it and almost have fun in the adventure."
Still, in the end, she thought stripping devalued women. She answered a few questions to explain how her walk on the wild side turned into its own kind of drag.

Q: Sounds like this was more about rebellion than needing the money.
A: It was definitely rebellion. It was a huge adrenalie rush because I wasn't accustomed to it. I think more people tend to get addicted to the money and freedom as opposed to the sheer rebellion of the act. I feel it was both for me. I never did well with the white-collar, 9-to-5 profession. I was in a career downward spiral when I was at an age I should (have been) advancing. I was able to ... do something fun.

Q: I have always wanted to know this. Do women really become strippers to put themselves through medical school?
A: No, I think that's a common misconception. It's a fantasy perpetuated by a lot of strippers. I met very few girls who were actually using the money to further their education. They were using it to survive. Sad, but true.
Q: Were any of them hoping this would help them launch a singing, dancing or acting career?
A: Most of the girls were pretty jaded and not that starry-eyed. I think they knew that kind of dream was impossible. The biggest dream was to meet a rich guy and get out of the business. That happened once in a blue moon. True. I think you live in the moment there, I don't remember thinking about the future a lot. That was probably my biggest problem.
Q: Do strippers sleep with the customers?
A: It's not terribly common, but it does happen at every club. You might want to convince men it may happen to lure them into the VIP room. I only know a handful of girls who were actually prostitutes inside the club. Yep, just make them think that juuuuuussst maybe you will.
Q: You say you failed as a stripper. How do you measure success?
A: I was always a pretty low earner. I was never able to propel myself into the upper echelon. I am not a natural-born stripper. I am a geek. I think there are women who have this amazing innate geisha, where they can talk to men and make them feel like pampered creatures. I think a lot of times my personality was challenging to men.
Q: What happened on the day you decided to stop stripping?
A: There were 10 or 15 girls working, and they were going around asking, "Do you want to dance? Do you want to dance?" It seemed so sad. It was a miserable scene. I thought to myself, "I don't want to be a part of this, where we're almost robotic." I saw the power struggle right there in front of my eyes. It's really my essential problem with the entire sex indutry. Women are not appreciated as much as they should be. Women are really treated like meat. Wow. Yep.

HER CUSTOMERS:"Most of them were married or total loners who had a lot of difficulty getting dates. I think they were there because they were disempowered in regular life. Going to a strip club enables them to get some of that power back." Yep.
MOST SHE EVER MADE: $800 in a night, which was low, considering some women brought in $3,000 to $4,000. I don't remember the most I ever made, but it was never over 2k.
BIGGEST SURPRISE: "I think stripping often gets portrayed as a glamourous profession. People look at strippers as being pampered and making thousands of dollars. When you get to see it from an insider's angle, it becomes apparent it's hard work. It was some of the hardest work I have ever done." Amen!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Biting your guy's dick too much? Try the blow

As they say, "Taking the job out of blow jobs" It has a vibrating piece and it slips over your teeth to protect his manhood from your molars. Fun.

I love this line from the website...PLEASE NOTE: The Blowguard™ is NOT a denture. It's for adults of all ages with or without dentures or real teeth.

Umm, if you don't have teeth, they why the hell do you need the blow guard?!?!?!

I also found a video on the site and yeah..umm its a reeeeal video. So be aware, there is a cum shot. Lol.

Has anyone tried this?! I gotta know!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Masterign oral sex ...on the ladies

LADIES!!! Show this to your man. NOW. But, be forewarned..this article is steammmy. I put a few comments in red.

A true Playboy knows that to please a woman in bed you need to learn a few techniques for oral sex: Many women say that oral sex gives them more stimulation than penetrative sex so the tongue really can be mightier than the sword. HELLO! There a lots of women who need clitoral stimulation to orgasm. Be aware boys! Different women will enjoy different things so don’t be afraid to use that tongue to ask her what she would like you to do – forget about following ‘Ten Easy Steps to Her Oral Orgasm’ articles in lads mags; this is about experimenting and listening to what she is obviously enjoying.
The word ‘enjoy’ is absolutely key in oral sex as if you seem tense or hesitant then your partner won’t relax and enjoy it either. Read that again. One more time. So start off gently by kissing and licking anywhere between her thighs to turn her on, then move on to the clitoris with gentle licking or sucking. Please take your time! Don't just go for the gold. You have to warm her up first. Your face should be down there for several minutes before you even touch the clitoris. Get her to tell you what motion feels the best and change between a relaxed, soft tongue to a firmer, pointed tongue: Some women love an up-and-down licking motion, others like it to go from side to side or a circular pressing-down motion. Remember that you have way more control over your tongue during oral sex than you do with your penis in penetrative sex so why not use your tongue to have sex with her? Yes, please. Thrust your limber flat tongue in and out of her vagina taking a break to use your firm, flexed tongue for pinpoint accuracy, such as when you circle the clitoris.
Whilst we’re on the subject of the clitoris try taking it into your mouth and gently sucking on it while you simultaneously flick your tongue over and around it (You can perform this very lightly or aggressively, depending on what she likes.) There is an old myth that the ‘best’ technique for oral sex is to write the alphabet over and over with your tongue. Now, this has probably worked a few times because the resulting motion of shapes like the letter ‘T’ toys with the clitoris and certain women will enjoy such teasing; but the truth is that she is more likely to reach her peak if you sustain a repeated steady motion which gets faster as she begins to reach climax. Just like you boys. Don’t forget that when you hear the moaning of her approach to climax never suddenly stop, no matter how tired your tongue may be! Yeah! You think our mouths and jaws don't get sore and tired!?!? It sounds crazy but a little tongue training might also help avoid getting ‘tongue tired’ at the wrong moment - try exercises like touching your nose with your tongue 30 times a day to toughen the muscle up a bit.

Finally our last tip for mastering oral sex would be to combine these tongue techniques we’ve outlined with a liberal amount of finger stimulation too: Rubbing your fingers over her G-Spot at the same time as oral sex can pretty much guarantee a mind-blowing orgasm. To ensure your loving hands have the best access to her vagina bring her to the edge of the bed resting her feet on your shoulders while you kneel in front of her demonstrating what a master of oral sex you’ve now become… and who knows what favours you may get in return?

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Lap dance 'n pizza... Really!

You gotta love New York. So there is this pizza joint that gives lap dances in a private room/bar in the back. Apparently they have been busted a few times but keep on going. Awesome. Yeah, I'll take a slice and a sit and spin! You can also see the reviews on Citysearch..haha. The NYPD said they would respond if there had been a complaint but so far there haven't been any. Of course not!


Print Jul 2, 2007 7:20 pm US/Eastern
Only In New York City: Pizzeria Offers Lap Dances


Cordatos looks just like any other New York City pizzeria from the outside, but that all changes when you look around a bit on the inside.
In a city that seems to have everything, it's amazing what we'll still be surprised to find. Take for example what CBS 2 HD recently uncovered going on in the back of a pizzeria.

Let's just say it's hotter than the pizza served up front.

On the outside, Cordatos looks like your ordinary pizzeria, but inside customers are offered something way too hot and spicy to be found on the menu.

Lap dances. Yes, you read that correctly.

A walk through the restaurant past the pizza ovens, leads to a heavy soundproof door, where inside the back room $10 buys you a few moments of lap dancing by barely dressed exotic dancers, a dance too graphic for most newscasts.

"When you are in the Big Apple anything and everything goes," one patron said.

The anything and everything on this menu includes extremely close body-to-body contact during the lap dance. Judging from the crowds CBS 2 HD saw during our hidden camera investigation, it's a popular pit stop just blocks from ground zero, where construction workers and Wall Street traders find a slice of pleasure in the least likely of places.

"The guys go at lunch time," one man said. "It's not a bad thing either, relieves a little pressure."

So is this New York City's best-kept secret? Apparently not, especially to members of the NYPD's vice unit. Three years ago, several of the dancers were arrested and charged with prostitution.

While Cordatos is licensed to serve alcohol, dancing falls under the city's Cabaret Law, which requires a separate license, which the pizzeria does not have.

CBS 2 HD went looking for answers and found the pizza and dancing were a lot warmer than the reception we got. Upon seeing our camera, an unidentified pizzeria worker out his hand over our lens.

During our hidden camera investigation we did not observe any nudity, however a legal expert told us that in some cases the body-to-body contact we captured on camera could be deemed criminal.
Even though several city agencies knew the pizzeria had been cited for the same offenses in the past, records show none had returned to check if any laws were being broken. In fact, the NYPD told CBS 2 HD it would respond based on a complaint, which to this date has not been made.

(© MMVII, CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved.)

Friday, July 3, 2009

Yet another "A day in the life of a stripper" ..and yes, my 2 cents too.

As usual, my comments in red..

Stephanie Whitfield, Contributing Writer
Issue date: 5/2/06

A stripper has to reveal the parts of the body that one may only be comfortable exposing right before one gets into the shower. Along with wearing pasties and thongs, the stripping profession has held social stigmas in the United States for centuries. How does the stigma of being a stripper affect their roles in their daily lives? Do they enjoy the work, or is it simply for money?

In an article in the Journal of Criminal Justice and Popular Culture, the authors explained why such stigmas might exist."The setting of a dance club is prone to deviant activity, such as prostitution and illegal drug use; therefore, the profession of exotic dancing is generally considered deviant," the authors said. OK, true, true. "Stormy," a skinny 21-year-old in white lingerie, had only been working at the Platinum Cabaret strip club for a couple of weeks, and she said that the job offer was easy for her to take. Stormy said she was working on getting a divorce, and had nowhere else to go."I didn't have a hard time deciding to do the job," she said. "I wish I would have started when I was 18." Who knows her reasons, but I am assuming it's because generally younger girls make more money...fresh meat. The entrance to the club was blacked out with paint or cardboard, and there was a warning to all the patrons who entered: "No touching the girls." Inside, the music and smoke took over the entire room. The carpet was made specifically for black lighting, which tried to enhance the colors in the carpet, but was defeated by the wear and tear. After a dancer finished, the emcee would announce that midget strippers would be there that weekend. Wow.

The dancers writhed and slapped their high heels on the stage under flashing colors of light while the men held dollar bills in their outstretched hands, enticing the dancers to come closer. If a dancer chose to get closer, the men's faces would contort between excitement and sheer ecstasy. Stormy said she has had offers for sex outside of the club, but had turned all of them down. She said one man called her a bitch for declining the offer, but the men do not bother her in general.

"I get their money, and move on," Stormy said. Stormy got into the job for the money, she said. A stripper at Platinum could make up to $2,000 a week, compared to the national minimum wage of $5.15 an hour, Stormy said. The biggest complaint among most dancers is that they feel like an object rather than a person, according to the JCJPC article. However, "while dancers feel this exploitation, they also admit to exploiting their customers," the authors said. Well, there you go. That pretty much sums it up doesn't it? Claire Detels, UA professor of music history, said that while some feminists believe stripping reinforces the thought of women as objects, other feminists and scholars believe the profession is a way to reinforce their empowerment."Some feminists within the industry and some scholars argue that paid and self-determined activity by women as sex providers can be felt and/or viewed as empowering, i.e. as a taking back and revaluing of the power of women in and through sex," Detels said.

"Ebony" is a 23 year-old, single mother and is 6 feet 2, but with her heels on, she said she measures around 6 feet 4. Her head almost touches the ceiling when she is dancing on the stage. After she had finished a dance and was sitting down to have a cigarette, she said being a stripper is a double-edged sword."[The customers] feel like they can talk to you however they want because you're a stripper," she said, "but I've learned a lot about men and how they like their women." There is a lot of truth there. It is so eye opening to hear what these guys really want, need, emotionally and physically.

Ebony said she got into dancing because the money was good, which in turn would be good for her daughter. She said it is hard to be a stripper in a small town because so many people recognize her."We're like mini-celebrities [in Fayetteville]," she said, "but when I'm out with my kid, I don't want those people talking to me." I kinda felt the same way.That is why I could never get into the dating customers thing outside of the club. Outside was my time to be me. There were only a few customers that I could be friends with out side of the club. And they treated me respectfully at all times.

Some opponents and feminists of the sex industry agree that the jobs within it are exploitive. Girlfriends worry about their boyfriends going to strip clubs because they feel like it's a form of cheating, or that they will be cheated on. But Ebony disagreed with all of it."To people who are against stripping, I would say, 'Walk in my stripper heels sometime,'" Ebony said. "Maybe girlfriends should give their boyfriends what they want so they don't have to come to us." Ouch. True. I still don't get girls that want to end relationships because their man watches porn. I mean, COME ON!

Ebony said she is merely playing a role, or acting in order to make money. Then with her sad eyes, she said what she thought is the core of her profession. "We get paid to baby-sit men," Ebony said. Preach it sista!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

From yo butt to yo nuts...

I just found this on I am laughing so hard I can't see. It's called "Wash Yo Nuts."

Girls, you know you have experienced this. You want to give your man some late night love, he removes his pants, and your eyes start to water. Well apparently Alexyss has some gay guy friends with the same problem and they have asked her to speak on the issue.