Thursday, December 28, 2006

Things I miss about working as a stripper

I have often been asked what I miss about the business. I can tell you there are a few things, but they are far outweighed by the things I don't miss. But here are few of both.

I miss:

1. The way my make up always smelled like perfume.
2. Free drinks. :)
3. The awesome music. 8 hours of music every night so loud you could feel it in your chest.
4. The routine of getting ready. I hated it then, but now I kinda of miss it. It was like your own mini spa: shave, nails, skin, hair, makeup, etc
5. Dancing on stage and having a chance to express emotion...whether it was a sad song because I was sad or happy one if I was on cloud nine, or the angry songs...that was fun too. Really hitting the beats of the song and knowing you rocked it out. (My favorite!)

I don't miss:

1. The cat fighting over customers...we need to grow up...really.(and yes, I did it too).
2. The negative comments from men, "you are too skinny, too fat, too short, too old, too young...." They could be really cruel. And you heard it every night..every girl hears it.
3. Slooooow nights.
4. Bar food. Every night. Yuck.
5. Sloppy drunk groping gross customers. Stop drinking and don't touch me a**hole! YUCK!

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