Monday, July 30, 2007

NEWSLETTERS: July Update 07-03-07

Independence Day is here!! And that means fireworks. But will there be fireworks in your bedroom? It can get a little monotonous sometimes, huh? But what better way to spice it up then with a little naughty dancing? And the dancing can lead to so much more. And I don't just mean the horizontal mambo. What about all my single ladies? Striptease isn't always about performing for a lover or spicing up a relationship. It can spice up your relationship with YOURSELF!!
The truth is, finally getting up the nerve to try the saucy dancing will bring something else. Facing your fear of trying something that scares you will make you stand a little taller and walk with a little more strut. And maybe, just maybe then you will feel a little more confident to try something else new. Yes!! Something else that will make you feel more like a woman. Like that piece of lingerie that is sooo hot, but more racy than anything you ever owned. Or that s*x toy you have been dying to try (see the article below, "My First Vibrator"). Or that video that you have been afraid to buy, but desperately want to see. Then you can celebrate your own independence day. Celebrate the independence of the braver, more adventurous you!! And in that hot nightie, with your new toy, watching that awesome video, you can see what kind of fireworks you can make!! Woo-Hoo!!

Hot New Summer Classes!
So many hot and steamy options.....and so little time! Summer is always gone before you know it. And if you don't sign up soon, these classes will be gone before you know it too! Sign up today to secure your spot!
Wanna crash course or just want to see what we do? Sign up for a Basic Moves Workshop! Only $45!
Know you are ready to learn and want the full treatment? Sign up for the Desire Series! Only $150!
Not yet ready to strut your stuff in front of other students? Sign up for a private lesson or private lesson package!
Have a bachelorette or birthday party coming up? Sign up for a Basic Moves private class just for your group!!
Taken a few classes with us already, but yearning for more? Sign up for Desire II!
Wanna see what really goes in the strip club? Sign up for our Strip Club Field Trip! Only $25!
Wanna hot lap dance class for you and your lover? Sign up for Lover's Moves!
HURRY UP!! NYC Desire Series starts next week!!! Great for beginners! Sign up to our classes with a friend and save!! SIGN UP HERE!!
Basic Moves workshop: July 28th
Basic Moves workshop: July 19th or 28th.
Desire Series: July 14th & 15th
Strip Club Field Trip: July 26th
Click here for more information OR Check out class descriptions here

Newsletter Secret Special
Shhhh. It's a secret. Mention the July secret newsletter special and save 10% on a private lesson for you or a group of friends if you put a deposit down before July 9th.

My First Vibrator!
YOU'VE NEVER OWNED A VIBRATOR?!?!?!?!?! That was my reaction, when my friend casually mentioned that she had never owned one. We were discussing orgasm by self stimulation, and I was discussing the various vibrators I had owned and ones I wanted to own. And she said, "Wow, I've never even owned one." That was when I screeched. I think I scared her, I said it so loud. I mean I couldn't believe it!!! I said we are going on line and ordering one right now! And she said, "Goody! My first vibrator!"
To me they are a necessity. In fact, the more "s*x" (plastic or fleshy) you have, the less chance for sexual dysfunction, aka no s*x drive! That statement alone will have your man running out to buy one of these babies below. I think having a good s*x drive is important. I think not having a healthy s*x life with your partner causes problems beyond the bedroom. And for us women, it is our busy lives that make us sometimes not want it, right? But these little gadgets will not only increase your libido, but also can be used during foreplay with you lover. FUN! And having a healthy s*x life as a single woman is important too. Vibrators are a safe and sexy option that reduce stress and keep your drive up for when Mr. Right finally does come along! Below is my history with the little lover.
This was my first experience with a vibrator. Now that I look back, I realize I started with the king. This baby will leave you quivering for hours...woo!! Hitachi Magic Wand
Then this was my first real purchase. Well not this exact one, but one very similar. It did the trick! Very hard though. Not for insertion. Violet Glow
Then I tried one of these. Not very quiet. And unlike my AA lovers this one used several C batteries...Jesus... Hypersonic Rocket
I once bought this for a vacation trip with the boy. Lame. I give it a thumbs down. Fukuoku 9000
I once saw this in a s*x shop and told this guy I was seeing that he couldn't come over unless he bought this for me. This was before I realized that vibrators could be inserted. Then I saw the light! Thank god for that wascally wabbit!! The Rabbit
And this is the current one. Quiet, compact, and gets the job done. And I do love Babeland. Great store!!! The blueberry Buzz
Go ahead... try it, you'll like it. Maybe you want an egg or one of these bad boys! I mean there are so many options. Large ones bigger than 3 stacked coke cans, tiny ones that fit in a closed hand. Ones that ejaculate, ones with handles, ones that thrust, ones with 3 heads, and ones with remotes for him. White ones, black ones, latin ones! Glass, plastic, jeweled, rubber, polyurethane, second skin, and CHROME!! Battery operated, plug in, rechargeable. Waterproof, glow in the dark, and ones with suction cup bases. This one even has features like those massage chairs at the nail salon. Makes me smile just thinking about it. And this one really blew me vibrates to the music in your iPod: OhMiBod. I mean you dream it, they make it.
This site can help you find the perfect mate. :) EDEN FANTASIES. Just check out the side bar to check off your favorite options. Who knew it could be this easy? ( enter code 4BW upon checkout)
But for me, I am done with having to order a new one every time old faithful dies. I have found a vibrator that is......IMMORTAL. That's right. I am saving up for the Jimmyjane: Waterproof, Silent, Everlasting Vibrator. Replaceable motor, I am sold.

StripXpertease Info.
Striptease, Lap Dancing, Floor Moves, Full Routines, Strengthening Class, Couples Class, Lingerie Shopping Tours, Private Lessons, Public Classes, Field Trips
Sign up for private lessons/public classes here.
See all class descriptions here.

PHONE: 1.800.747.1462 OR 212.677.1831
Studio Classes available in NYC & Austin, Texas.
In-home Classes available in NYC & Austin, Texas. Also in NY, North New Jersey, Long Island, Dallas, Houston, San Antonio, San Marcos, and various other Texas cities for an added travel fee.
This newsletter goes out to all new sign ups until next newsletter release.
FEEL FREE TO FORWARD ONTO FRIENDS: Subscribe to the StripXpertease mailing list.
You can see previous newsletters on our blog.

Friday, July 13, 2007

The Perfect Stripper High Heel Shoe!

People always ask me,"Which shoe do I buy for class?"

I like Ellie's shoes. Pleaser's is good too and so is N.Y.L.A.( but I can't seem to find them anymore). If you ever plan on doing any floor moves you need a platform. It protects the toes and helps you get down and up. The 6" Juliet by Ellie is perfect! (the Juliet is available is all inch varieties)

If you never wear heels start with a 4" with a bit of a platform. The Brooke is a good one. Ankle support and a wide toe strap is key. If you have ankle worries, boots are fun and give great support. I always loved boots.

If you can hang in heels, but are afraid of 6 inches go with 5". Like the Jewel ...pretty but functional.

If you are ready to get down on the floor you need 5 1/2" or more. The Allure is great. Again, boots really give great protection to the toes and are smokin' hot. When I danced I wore boots like the Covergirl practically every night. Good for pole climbing too.

Then you can graduate to the 6" Once you can manage those, it's on to skinny toe straps, mules (my fave) and others...the options are endless.

And then... if you're crazy, there are 7" and 8". I have tried and I always go back to 6" Sometimes bigger isn't always better. ;)

other heel blogs:

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Stripper shoes in Manhattan

Several girls I have met want to try before they buy. This is understandable. So there is a place with a pretty good selection. It is a sex shop, but hey, they dont sell these gals at Barney's. The store with shoes n' more is on 8th ave between 47 and 48th. It has 3 levels. Shoes are on the second level. As always you know what I recommend, 6 inch platform. You can read more here

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Pimples at thirty. Are you serious?

I woke up today with a pimple on my cheek. It is nothing new. They come occasionally. But you know, I am pissed! Because I thought as a child, a teenager, I thought it was just a kid thing. I mean right? Remember when you got your first pimple? Your mom says, "Oh, puberty. You are a teenager now!" So I assumed that it would end when PUBERTY ended ...RIGHT?!? But here I am 30...mmm, okaaay, 31 years old and still pissed that I get pimples. But here is something you might not know. Pimples are not loyal to the face. You can have chest pimples, back pimples, and ok if you knew about those, here is the shocker....butt pimples. It's true. But it seems to be a big stripper issue. Boy I tried it all, Clearasil pads, alcohol, baby wipes, but it happened. I suppose it is from having your butt exposed and sitting and different laps and men all night. But every girl seemed to be plagued at one time or another. (Remember the story about the concealer and the girl in the dressing room?)
Well, at least those days are ...ahem,behind me.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

The nine words men need to know to understand women!

This was sent to me. Too funny!
Nine words women use...

1.) Fine : This is the word women use to end an argument when they are right and you need to shut up.

2.) Five Minutes : If she is getting dressed, this means a half an hour. Five minutes is only five minutes if you have just been given five more minutes to watch the game before helping around the house.

3.) Nothing : This is the calm before the storm. This means something, and you should be on your toes. Arguments that begin with nothing usually end in fine.

4.) Go Ahead : This is a dare, not permission. Don't Do It!

5.) Loud Sigh : This is actually a word, but is a non-verbal statement often misunderstood by men. A loud sigh means she thinks you are an idiot and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here and arguing with you about nothing. (Refer back to #3 for the meaning of nothing.)

6.) That's Okay : This is one of the most dangerous statements a women can make to a man. That's okay means she wants to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistake.

7.) Thanks: A woman is thanking you, do not question, or Faint. Just say you're welcome.

8.) Whatever: Is a women's way of saying FUCK YOU!

9.) Don't worry about it, I got it: Another dangerous statement, meaning this is something that a woman has told a man to do several times, but is now doing it herself. This will later result in a man asking 'What's wrong?' For the woman's response refer to #3.

Send this to the men you know, to warn them about arguments they can avoid if they remember the terminology.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

OLD NEWSLETTERS: June 2007 Update: Confidence,Summertime, Strip Club Trip, Perfect Stripper Shoe

June Update 05-24-07

Well, summer is right around the corner! And that means... more skin! Yeah! I love seein' the boys in the tanks and shorts. Yum! Boys, boys, boys! I get asked about boys and what they like all the time. I suppose women think since I was a stripper for so long that I am expert on what men like. And I suppose in a sense we had to be experts to make money. There are a few things they all like, but truthfully, they all like something different. If you are really trying to figure out what boys like, dig deeper and figure out what YOU like. Confidence radiates and man, men love that. That is the great thing about our classes, they help you feel confident in your skin. And that sexy routine won't hurt either!
But don't forget, the basics of body care are necessary too. You know, the best you in the nude. Get naked in the mirror and take along hard look. What can you fix or spiffy up(withOUT surgery)? Get that mani/pedi. Use that self tanner. GET TO THE GYM (or a Stripper Strength class)! Drink lots of water. Trim the tulips and shave your legs. Use lotion to keep skin nice and soft. Wear a little lip gloss and mascara. And start appreciating your body for what it is. If you can't, then how do you expect him to?

Sign Up with a Friend Discount
Do you remember that doll from the 80's, My Buddy. There was a song too. My buddy, my buddy, where ever I go heeee goes..My buddy and MEEEE. That song would get stuck in my head for DAYS! And it came into my head the other day...lord knows how, but it made me think. It is so much easier to do things with a buddy. So we are launching the Me & A Friend special for public classes. Sign up with a friend and get a discount! YAY!
Sign up for the 4 week Desire I or II Series and save $30.00. OR Sign up for the next workshop and save $10.00.
HURRY UP!! NYC Desire Series starts next week!!!
Desire I Series NYC runs either Thurs nights @ 6:15 pm or Sat afternoons @ 12:15 PM for 4 weeks. Starts next week. 6 girls max. Learn standing, lap dance, and floor moves and a full routine.
Desire II NYC is on Wed nights. Prereq: DANCE, Desire I, Advanced, or 3 class Pkg.
Basic Moves NYC Workshop is June 30th.
1 spot left for Shop N' Strip June 2nd.
Check out class descriptions here ( )
TEXAS LADIES FRET!!! Workshops and Desire series are starting soon. We are currently waiting for our new home studio to be built. We are looking at the end of June. Stay tuned. You get the Me & A Friend discount too :)

Newsletter Secret Special
Shhhh. It's a secret. Mention the June secret newsletter special and save 10% on a private lesson for you or a group of friends if you put a deposit down before Memorial Day (May 28th).

Strip Club Field Trip
You know you wonder about it.
You see it on the Sopranos.
You watched Demi Moore under the stage lights.
You won't admit it, but you saw Showgirls 4 times.
Just what does go on behind those double doors?
Well, it's probably not what you think. But all my descriptions won't do it justice. You have to see for your self. So for all of you who want to know and those of you that already do, we are organizing a NYC field trip. TO THE STRIP CLUB!!! YAY!
Tentative date for this event is June 28th @ 8:30 PM. Sorry, no boys :(
For more info email ( ) with FIELD TRIP in the subject line.

The Perfect Stripper Shoe!
People always ask me,"Which shoe do I buy for class?"
I like Ellie's shoes. Pleaser's is good too and so is N.Y.L.A.( but I can't seem to find them anymore). If you ever plan on doing any floor moves you need a platform. It protects the toes and helps you get down and up. The 6" Juliet ( ) by Ellie is perfect! (the Juliet is available is all inch varieties)
If you never wear heels start with a 4" with a bit of a platform. The Brooke ( ) is a good one. Ankle support and a wide toe strap is key. If you have ankle worries, boots ( ) are fun and give great support. I always loved boots.
If you can hang in heels, but are afraid of 6 inches go with 5". Like the Jewel ( ) ...pretty but functional.
If you are ready to get down on the floor you need 5 1/2" or more. The Allure ( ) is great. Again, boots really give great protection to the toes and are smokin' hot. When I danced I wore boots like the Covergirl ( ) practically every night. Good for pole climbing too.
Then you can graduate to the 6" Once you can manage those, it's on to skinny toe straps ( ) , mules ( ) (my fave) and others...the options are endless.
And then... if you're crazy, there are 7 ( ) and 8. ( ) I have tried and I always go back to 6" Sometimes bigger isn't always better. ;)

StripXpertease Info.
Striptease, Lap Dancing, Floor Moves, Full Routines, Strengthening Class, Couples Class, Lingerie Shopping Tours, Private Lessons, Public Classes
Sign up for private lessons/public classes here. ( )
See all class descriptions here. ( )

WEB: ( )
PHONE: 1.800.747.1462 OR 347.907.4602
EMAIL: ( )
Studio Classes available in NYC & Austin, Texas.
In-home Classes available in NYC & Austin, Texas. Also in NY, North New Jersey, Long Island, Dallas, Houston, San Antonio, San Marcos, and various other Texas cities for an added travel fee.
This newsletter goes out to all new sign ups until next newsletter release.
Subscribe to the StripXpertease mailing list. ( )
(C) 2007 StripXpertease

Friday, July 6, 2007

OLD NEWSLETTERS: May 2007 Update, mother's day special, shop n' strip, and new classes!


Panties, and Bras, and Garters, Oh My!!
I love shopping for lingerie, but I know a lot of you don't. Maybe you just don't have the time. Or maybe you don't know where to go or what to buy. Perhaps you are intimidated by the sales people. I know, I know. It can all together be a daunting task. That is why we created Shop N' Strip. It is such a great event! And now for the first time we are bringing it to you as a public class in NYC at a discounted rate!
Shop N' Strip public class on Saturday June 2nd, 4-8 PM.
This event includes a two hour SOHO lingerie shopping tour, including a stop at a female owed adult store (naughty!), followed by a Basic Moves short class in studio where you learn how to remove your sexy purchases (no nudity, purchases can be worn over clothes). Only $65.00!! We only have 4 spots left!!
Sign up here! ( )
Watch this VIDEO from's ( ) show The Map ( ) for more info on our Shop N' Strip tour and our Basic Moves class. The video is about 5 minutes. You can even vote and give it a thumbs up or down!
**Meeting location for tour is in SOHO. Studio is midtown west. 4 hour event. 10 girls max. **4 seats left. Private tours are also still available. Contact ( ) for more info.

Sexy Mama Mother's Day Special
Well, my best friend just called and told me she was pregnant. Wow! This will be number two for her. Me personally, I am still not ready for kids, my doggies are kids enough for me. I don't know how you mommies do it! But, so many of you are mother's, and I know once you become mommy, it is hard to find time for yourself. So in honor of all of you sexy mamas out there, we are giving out a special just for you! Take advantage of our Sexy Mama Mother's Day special and save 10% on all of our private lessons for yourself or a group of friends!
The festivities start on Cinco de Mayo and continue through Mother's day.
* Just put a deposit down for any private lesson between May 5-13 and receive 10% off!! Includes PRIVATE Basic (for yourself or a group), Advanced, Pro, 3 class package, and DANCE.
So take some time for yourself or gather up your best friends to reconnect, have a laugh,and reclaim the sexy in sexy mama! And yes, non-mommies can get the discount too.
Let us know the dates you are interested in, and we will set it up. Place your deposit, and you are good to go!! Our private lessons are great for bachelorette, birthday, and girl's night out parties!

Quick Cellulite Fix
Well, I say fix, because there doesn't seem to be a quick cure. But this will do the trick. Fishnet thigh highs! They trick the eye with the criss cross pattern and can conceal even the biggest bumps and lumps. You will want to wear them very high on the leg too. I worked with girls who pulled them all the way up the their butts. And you can even leave them on when the dancing is over...if you know what I mean. HOT!! Here are a few options.
My Diva's Closet ( )
Stocking girl ( )
Frederick's ( )
3 wishes ( )
Flirty lingerie ( )

New Class Dates....Sign Up Now!!
Sign up for our monthly 2 hr. BASIC MOVES WORKSHOPS to have a taste of what our classes are like! This class is a great review even if you have already taken a class! 12 girls max. $45.00
Next BASIC MOVES WORKSHOPS dates: Sign up here ( )
Austin, Texas: May 12th @ 3 PM. New York City: May 12th @ 7 PM, Midtown westNext LAP DANCE INTENSIVE in NYC. Sign up with another gal pal to really learn the true moves.
* New York City: May 20th 7-9 pm, Chelsea. Sign up through Empire Dance 212.645.2441.Or sign up for our 4 week class, the DESIRE SERIES. Learn a super sexy choreographed full song routine! Four 1.5 hour classes. 6 girls max. $150.00.
Next DESIRE SERIES dates: Sign up here ( )
Austin, Texas: TBA ..late May New York City: Thursdays, 6:15-7:45 PM, May 31st-June 21st, Midtown west New York City: Saturdays, 12:15-1:45 PM, June 2nd-June 23rd, Midtown westIf you have already taken Desire or DANCE, or Basic, Advanced, & Pro, sign up for DESIRE SERIES II $165.00. Four 1.5 hour classes. 6 girls max.
Next DESIRE II series dates:Sign up here ( )
* New York City: Wednesdays, 6:15-7:45 PM, May 9th-30th, Midtown west**Class locations are revealed after payment with email address used to make payment. Any questions email ( ) for more info!
Also, D.A.N.C.E. is now available is Austin!!!! D.A.N.C.E. is a six week, six class private lesson package.

More StripXpertease Info.
1.800.747.1462 OR 347.907.4602 ( )
Classes available in NYC and Austin.
For added travel fee classes also available in NY, North New Jersey , Long Island. Dallas, Houston, San Marcos, San Antonio, and various other cities in Texas
Feel free to forward on to friends!
Subscribe to the StripXpertease mailing list. ( )
(C) 2007 StripXpertease

Thursday, July 5, 2007

OLD NEWSLETTERs : April 2007 Update: Dye down there, Desire series, New Classes

StripXpertease April Newsletter 04.07.07
4 Week DESIRE Series Now in TX & NY.
DESIRE II Coming in June to NY.
Happy Easter!
Easter always makes me think of bunnies...Playboy bunnies that is. So if you are looking to unleash your inner bunny, sign up for Desire Series! We have new dates ladies!! The first ever StripXpertease Desire series is in it's last week and it has been a blast! I can't wait to start another one. Class size stays @ 6 girls max and you walk away with one full song ultra hot choreographed routine that combines standing and floor moves! Cheat sheets included. You'll leave feeling powerful and provocative! Great for beginners, and still offered at a reduced rate!!
And for any lady who has had ALREADY taken StripXpertease classes (like our 3 class package, or both Basic and Advanced, or even the D.A.N.C.E. series), DESIRE II is for YOU. We perfect previous moves, learn a few new ones, and use them to create another full song risque routine. 6 hours of instruction!
NY: Starts May 5th (4 weeks, 1.5 hr classes, Saturday @ 1:15-2:45 PM, 39th & 8th) $150.00.
TX: Starts May 9th (4 weeks, 1.5 hr classes, Wednesday @ 6:15-7:45 PM, location TBA) $150.00

NY: June 3rd (4 weeks, 1.5 hr classes, Sunday @ 4:15-5:45 PM, midtown west)**Prerequisite: 3 class Pkg, DANCE, DESIRE I, or both Basic & Advanced. Round toe 51/2 or 6" heels required. $165.00
******Exact location for classes is emailed to you after payment. Check back on web site to see general location of TX Desire. Please dress comfortably. Round toe/open toe platform shoes are REQUIRED. Since at this time, only one series is running at a time, make ups are completed as private lessons for $81.00 each.
1.800.747.1462 OR 347.907.4602

Learn a Sizzlin' Routine at Our Basic Moves Workshops
We are making our BASIC MOVES WORKSHOP, where you learn a seductive routine and lap dance, a monthly event in NY & TX! This is a great way to sample the Desire series too. A great refresher course! Sign up with a friend for double trouble! Only $45.00 for 2 hours!! Sign up now!
APRIL 14TH (next weekend!)
NYC @ 7 PM(midtown west,2 hrs) still available
TX @ 6:30 PM(south Austin, 2 hrs) still available
NYC @ 6:30 PM(midtown west, 2 hrs)
TX @ 6:30 PM(location TBA, 2 hrs)
**To purchase tickets go to our RATES PAGE. Exact location is revealed after payment by email. Dress comfortably. Heels are preferred, but not required. 12 girls max each class. General location for May 12th Texas class will be announced shortly. Check back on the rates page.
Read a review from our last workshop on Dr. Tara J. Palmatier's blog on URBAN

Ok, my hair...down pink. And I don't mean baby pink, I mean hot bright pink. And I love it!!!
A few weeks ago, I read an article in Business 2.0 about Nancy Jareki's new company called Betty Beauty. Nancy created Betty Beauty after she saw women sneaking home doggy bags of dye from the beauty shop to essentially make the purse match the shoes. She spent 2 yrs on R&D and came up with Betty Beauty's home pubic hair dye. It gives your "betty" a new life and even covers gray with a super safe, no drip formula.
As I read, my jaw was hanging. I was thinking, what will they think of next, and how do I get some!?! I couldn't WAIT to get on the computer and order online. I was SO siked! They had a few colors: blonde, black, auburn, brown and hells yeah, hot pink!!! I of course ordered "Fun Betty," the pink dye....
..... READ the whole PINK story ON OUR BLOG
MORE BETTY INFO: This Easter instead of dyeing ordinary Easter eggs for the Easter bunny, dye your own bunny!

more information
CONTACT US: ~ 1.800.747.1462 OR 347.907.4602 ~
Classes available in NYC and Austin. For added travel fee, classes also available in NY, North New Jersey, Long Island. Dallas, Houston, San Marcos, San Antonio, and various other cities in Texas

**THIS NEWSLETTER WILL GO OUT TO ALL NEW NEWSLETTER SIGN UPS UNTIL NEXT NEWSLETTER RELEASE. Feel free to forward on to friends! Sign up for this newsletter on our web site!
coming up next month: stripper strength in texas, mother's day special, and more!

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

OLD NEWSLETTERS: March 2007 Advanced Update:new classes, fear of taking class

New Workshop Dates for Advanced & Basic!!

March 24th Workshop Day for NYC and Austin
Hi Ladies,
I am so excited to announce new workshops. They are selling out!! We will be doing another Basic Moves workshop in both Manhattan and Austin, but also Advanced Moves for you Texas gals!! And the Lap Dance Intensive is back at Empire Dance. We will also give away one pair of StripXpertease embroidered boy shorts to one lucky gal in each Basic and Advanced class! And as an added bonus, each Basic and Advanced class will have a extra 15 minute Q&A with your instructor to ask anything you want. So stick around after class and ask your burning questions about the strip club, stripping, or anything you desire!
Workshops are as follows:
March 24th 2-4 pm Basic Moves $45.00
March 24th 5-7 pm Advanced Moves $45.00
Sign for both classes for only $80.00
Both classes at same studio located in South Austin( W. William Cannon)
March 24th 2-4 pm Basic Moves $45.00
Studio for Basic Moves in Manhattan near Penn Station
March 25th 7-9 pm Lap Dance Intensive @ Empire Dance
You can sign up for Basic and Advanced for both cities on the rates page here > RATES PAGE
Basic and Advanced Moves class location is revealed after payment. Classes are very limited. Open to all women over 18, all sizes. You do not need dance experience, just an open mind. Dress comfortable, but feel free to add a touch of sexiness. Comfortable heels are highly recommended. Closed door classes with no spectators.

Basic Moves:
This class covers the basics: your walk and entrance, standing moves, performing a lap dance, and stripping out of your clothes. You will learn seductive eye contact, sensual movements, how to channel your confidence and have power over your subject. We will also go over music and outfit choices. Learn over 20 moves and how to put them together in a smokin' routine!
Advanced Moves:
This class teaches a super sexy floor moves routine! It also covers extra tricks and moves for standing striptease as well. It is a review and follow up to Basic Moves. (This class can be a hard on the knees, so wear work out pants that cover your knees. We also offer knee pads for purchase in-class)
For Advanced and Pro we STRONGLY recommend 6 inch platform shoes with an ankle strap. They can be purchased on our site from our links page
Lap Dance Intensive:
Learn everything you always wanted to know about the lap dance. Learn how to position your man, perform the Double Reverse Head, Flip Trick, and more. These moves are learned best with a partner. So grab a girlfriend and sign up. Buy 2 tickets and save. Please sign up at EMPIREDANCE
Contact Us:

Reasons we don't take class ...# 1
I am too nervous too take a class!!
Oh goodness. I hear this all the time.
I am too fat, too old. I can't dance. I have no rhythm. I have 2 left feet. I don't have boobs. I don't have an ass. I can't move. I can't walk in heels. I am not sexy. I have no experience. I don't have a man to dance for. I don't like my body. Who would be attracted to ME dancing?
The list goes on and on. But ladies, listen ....are you listening?
IT DOESN'T MATTER!!!! And it's probably not true. We are so hard on ourselves (my self included), and it limits our potential. There is one thing that trumps all of this and it is confidence. It can make or break you.
So come to the class. That is why we offer private lessons so it is just you and the instructor. We aren't going to laugh at you...I promise. And all women make progress in class. You just have to try. Confidence will come, and sexiness will flow.
If there is something you can do to make a change in your life, then do it! In a beginner Basic Moves Class everyone is just beginning. Everyone feels nervous, but after the class everyone feels a little lighter and a lot better. They all know that they have done something for themselves. Because exotic dance is really for you, not for him. And they all know that they have challenged themselves. And they have learned that true sexiness really does come from within.....but these moves sure do help!!! :)
So sign up, and come learn the Predator Face, the Boob Squeeze and the Rear Finger Slide, woo-woo!
....what are you waiting for?

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

OLD NEWSLETTERS: 1/2 way March 2007 Update: Facial feedback, Client comments

Spring Special, Desire Series, and More Workshops!

Spots Still Available!!! Desire Series, Basic, & Advanced!
Yes, learn to love yo-self. We all get so busy, so caught up, the day is over before we know!!....god is the weekend already over?...gees is the month already over?...wait is it New Years Eve already?!?!?! The year is a wash, then rinse and repeat.
Yes, time flies by, and it flies by without letting you spend any time pampering yourself. So take time for yo-self. Learn to love yo-self. And our classes are a great way to take a step in that direction.
We help you how to look in that mirror and appreciate all that you are. We teach you how to touch your self without the giggles. How to look inside at the sexy mama hiding beneath the "ugg, my big hips" "damn, my little boobs" negativity. All you have to do is take the time for yourself to try it out. What better way than with our Basic Moves workshop?
Two hours of all the StripXpertease basics. Every month. Only $45!!
Learn how to give a proper and damn sexy lap dance. Learn how to remove your bra..and other under-things in a hot, hot way! Learn how to make and entrance and leave them drooling and you feeling sexy, alive, and vibrant!
Aaaand for those of you who have already taken a class with StripXpertease:
If you want some NEW moves, sign up for Advanced. All new moves on the floor! Bring him to his knees by learning to slither and slide on yours!
If you feel like you forgot everything, this Basic Moves workshop is a GREAT review!!
BASIC MOVES WORKSHOP: 2 hrs. Austin, TX (W. William Cannon): Saturday, March 24 @ 2:00 PM! $45.00 ***** ONLY 1 SPOT LEFT!!!
ADVANCED MOVES WORKSHOP: 2 hrs. Austin, TX (W. William Cannon): Saturday, March 24 @ 5:00 PM! $45.00
...Book BOTH of our Austin workshops(Basic & Advanced Moves ) Saturday, March 24 and save! $80.00
BASIC MOVES WORKSHOP: 2 hrs. Austin, TX (W. William Cannon): Saturday, April 14th @ 6:30 PM! $45.00
BASIC MOVES WORKSHOP: 2 hrs. NYC (Midtown West): Saturday, March 24, @ 2:00 PM! $45.00
DESIRE SERIES: (4 consecutive 1.5 hr classes) NYC only. Desire Series on Wednesdays 6:15-7:45 PM. Starting March 21st $180.00. Buy now and save, only $150.00! ****ONLY 1 SPOT LEFT!!
LAP DANCE INTENSIVE: 2 hrs. New York, NY (@ Empire Dance): Sunday, March 25, 2007 7:00 PM. Please Register through Empire Dance by calling 212.645.2441.
**Please Note: Class size is limited and kept small. We will email you with class location and info on what to wear within 24 hrs. after payment is made. Class descriptions on OUR CLASSES page. Tickets are non-refundable but can be transferred. Class location is revealed AFTER payment by email. Payment requires email address.

Spring Special! Save 10% Off Private Lessons/Classes!!
Whew!!! So much this month ladies!!
Women's History month, St. Patrick's Day (Kiss me I'm Irish!!), and the first day of Spring. So, in honor of all these good days we are launching a new special!
Save 10% off of all PRIVATE lessons/classes booked (that means you place your deposit) between March 17th and the 24th. Woo-hoo! Sign up now on our RATES page!
So take this time for yo-self ladies!
Get the luck of the Irish by saving on 10% on that upcoming birthday party bash with the gals!
Start your spring cleaning off right by tossin' those old granny panties and replacing them with a new purchase on a SHOP N' STRIP tour, discounted 10%! (Does not apply to purchases on tour)
Celebrate Women's History month by making your fears history and signing up for a private lesson at 10% off!
1.800.747.1462 or 347.907.4602

The Facial Feedback Theory.
AH HA!!! I knew it! The predator face DOES make you feel more confident and sexy. It is a scientific fact ladies!!!
The facial feedback theory says that our facial expressions can actually influence the way we feel. For example, smiling will make you feel happier. Frowning will make you feel sad. So that means that sexy predator face will make you feel more confident, more sexy, and more powerful the sexy seductress you are! Remember ladies, head down, eyes up...naughty smile.
To learn how to master the Predator Face, sign up for Basic Moves today!!

Our Own Feedback Theory I wanted to insert a little of our own feedback. These are some of my favs. Remember everyone comes in nervous. Everyone says I can't dance, I have two left feet, I have no rhythm... And when you leave, you might not be a modern day Ginger Rogers, BUT everyone leaves feeling a little sexier, a little more confident than when they walked in. And that is what really counts. For more client comments and pics, see the bottom of OUR CLASSES page.
We really had a great time at the class and our instructor was outstanding. Sarah Lynn made me feel very comfortable - and I'm about as uptight and rigid as they come. I would love to take another class sometime. I had never even been into a strip club - so it was a real experience. My fiance will be very surprised when he sees the new moves. But this class was really for me more than him - and it was a bonding experience with my friend. Sarah Lynn was also very intelligent - in addition to being a great dancer - and really conveyed the lessons well. I appreciated all of her encouragement and compassion. You have a very well run and creative business model and I will recommend it to others. - Jodi C. (2 girls Basic Moves) TX
My performance was great last night (I took my job seriously by doing my nails, curling my hair, spraying glitter and perfume everywhere before the dance), after the routine I did a lap dance and he was blown away. My temptress expression was good as well as it sort of just came naturally.... At the end of the night he asked me to be his girlfriend (we've been dating for couple months), so as you can see the dance really did wonders! :D I truly cannot pick one best part of the class because I simply enjoyed every minute of it. It was not only a fun dance class, but a mind transforming as well as liberating experience. There were so many great things to be named. You really made me feel at ease, and your sense of humor was an asset to the whole learning experience. The pace felt just right. Depending on the mood, the moves can be naughty, sensual or sexy, or all of these. I think every woman should take these classes just for themselves (of course it doesn't hurt to perform for their men once in a while) to awaken the sexy goddesses inside themselves. -Juliet T. (DANCE series) NY
I wanted to thank you for your incredible gift of showing us your wonderful moves and honestly your StripXpertease. As we mentioned, even when you showed us a demo of the dance, we were all mesmerized by your moves. You're a beautiful girl with a great spirit, extremely professional, down to earth and I can't tell you enough that you are one of the funniest people I've ever met. You've made all of us feel comfortable, confident and that we could accomplish anything. It was a true joy being in your classes and can't stop raving about you to everyone I know. (We'll already agreed we're addicted to you!) {The best part of the class was} YOU, YOU, YOU!!!! As mentioned, you made us feel comfortable, the moves felt attainable because of the way you broke them down and named them. You were friendly and yet maintained order with our riot group and most of all you made us have the most fun! The individual attention you gave to each of us and the cheat sheets were absolutely amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What did{ I} like the best? Everything!!! Especially your honesty, openness and never-ending patience in telling us your experience and stories during your days as a dancer. Not to mention all your little handy tricks! It was all truly interesting and really made you understand what an unfair and terrible stigma dancers really have. Kimberly, once again thanks for one of the best classes I've had. You really are a very professional and classy business woman. You should be very proud of yourself. Looking forward to seeing you again soon! -Emyli Z. (Group 3 Class Pkg.) NY
We had a blast yesterday! Thanks to both of you for doing this{Kimberly and Saralynn} – I think there are a lot of women out there that would like to have this talent but are too embarrassed or shy to pursue it....I practiced the super glue bra move last night when I was getting ready for bed and it worked! How fun! In my opinion, the best part of the class was the lightheartedness and openness of it....and the pep talk about being confident...not all of us are as beautiful as the two of you and encouragement is needed! The chance to step out of the mother/homemaker/wife role was great too! There are times where I just want to put all of that on the back burner and just be that flirty, sexy predator that you were describing....with nothing else in my focus but making my man certainly gave us the basic tools and I'm looking forward to learning more!....I'm thinking all women are strippers at heart- -at least somewhere in their being - and that many of us have been conditioned not to recognize or validate that part of ourselves....we don't talk about it enough...I've shared some stories with my closest friend but I think if we would do that more then all of us would have much more confidence and would have better relationships....knowing that we all felt basically the same way. -Dona S.(Group Basic Moves) TX
The best part was whenever you said "strippins hard ya'll" haha. I liked learning how to keep the predator face on, and learning how important it is to stay in the zone and be in control. I'm glad that you made it more about dancing for ourselves, and if the men like it, well then that's an added plus. You were great Kim, you most definitely made us feel comfortable - I love to dance, but this is a little different, but it didn't take long for me to feel comfortable enough. 2 of my friends that were with us can be shy when it comes to dancing, and I saw them loosen up quite a bit, and it's because you made us laugh and realize that we are all there to have fun and feel great about ourselves. Sometimes we need to be reminded that we are sexy and beautiful!! -Kristen R. (Jan. Basic Moves Workshop) NY

Sunday, July 1, 2007

OLD NEWSLETTERS: February 2007 Update, Valentine's Special, Striptease workout class, and Advanced Moves WRKSHP.


Happy Valentine's Day!!
Happy February to all !! Well, it is freezing here in NY, but spring is right around the corner. Yay! And whether it is 9 or 99 degrees outside, I know we are always trying to turn up the heat in the bedroom. So to help keep everything hot, we are making it a little bit easier to book a class with our new Valentine's Day special.
Take advantage of our Valentine's Day Special and receive 10% off of your class!
It easy, just put your deposit down before Feb. 14th, Valentine's Day, and receive 10% off of your final price on any private class/tour.
And yes, this includes our sexy couple's class, Lover's Moves. Use our Lover's Moves class to reconnect with your honey, on a whole new level.
Who needs chocolate for Valentine's Day when you can make him melt instead?
Single for Vday? Have a girl's night! What better way to bond with your gal-pals then with a striptease class!
Contact us:
** Does not apply to Stripper Strength or Workshops. Does not apply to travel fees. Class must be taken between Feb 1st and August 14th 2007.

New Dates for Basic Moves Workshops.
Wow! Both of our Workshops in NYC and in Texas were sell outs! So, we are doing it again!
Both workshops are set for the 24th of February. Price is only $45.00!!
Sign up early on the RATES page. We had several girls call the week before the class to find it was sold out. Don't miss out!
Also, as a way of saying thanks, one lucky girl in each class will win a pair of our sexy embroidered boy shorts! Woo-woo!
NYC (Midtown west) Feb 24th 6:30 PM
Austin (Southwest) Feb 24th 4:30 PM ...only 2 spots left !
Sign up here:

Basic Moves NYC March 24th, time go on sale soon!
Basic Moves Austin March 24th, time go on sale soon!
Advanced Moves NYC TBA
Advanced Moves TX TBA
Lap Dance Intensive NYC @ Empire Dance...coming this spring
Stay tuned for:
The March 24th workshop time and dates
Advanced Moves dates in Texas and NYC!
Check back on the rates page.
Contact us: or 1.800.747.1462

Stripper Strength Workout Class Now 5x's a Week!
Stripper Strength is a 1 hour fitness class offered only at Empire Dance. New mini-routines each month. (No nudity, workout attire, heels {you may also go bare foot or wear tennis shoes}, private room with no spectators, yay!) This is a great way to "test" out a striptease class. It is a mix of our private classes, Pilate's, and low impact fitness. Check it out!!
Current Classes available:
Tuesday 6 PM
Wednesday 12:30 PM
Wednesday 9 PM
Saturday 2 PM
Sunday 2 PM
Sign up at Empire Dance or (212) 645-2441
Single Group Class (drop-in): $20
Or purchase a class card for discounted rates and use it for other great classes like Belly, Yoga....ommm, & Hip Hop, ya heard!
World Dance/Dance Fitness Class Cards:
5 WD/DF Class Card: $65 ($13 per class) - Valid for 2 Months from date of purchase
10 WD/DF Class Card: $120 ($12 per class) - Valid for 3 Months from date of purchase
20 WD/DF Class Card: $199 ($9.95 per class) - Valid for 3 Months from date of purchase
Also, if you missed the Lap Dance Intensive, never fear, it will be back soon!!!

Advanced Moves, Pro Moves I & II Coming to You!!
Advanced Moves 2 hr workshop coming!! And only $45.00. Email us at with ADVANCED MOVES and your state (TX or NY) in the subject line to be the first to know about workshop dates.
Advanced Moves: This follow up lesson covers floor/stage work, more standing moves, and a few extra naughty tricks to add to your routine. Round toe 5 or 6 inch platform shoes are highly recommended. (Learning floor moves can be a little hard on the knees. So wear bottoms that cover your knees. We also offer knee pads for purchase in-class). Check out shoes on our Links page
Also, Pro Moves will be broken down into 2 workshops that will be booked together. You must have taken Basic and Advanced previously, either in a workshop or as a private single or group lesson. Coming soon!!!
Pro Moves: Here you combine core moves from Basic and Advanced to learn a super hot choreographed and professional looking "stage" routine to perform for yourself or a lover to a song of your choosing. Make 'em go WOW! asked and now you receive!! Our first on-going class is on its way in both locations. Four weeks of fun in 1.5 hr increments. Stay tuned for details. Email us with the subject ON-GOING to be the first to know about dates!

Female Photojournalist Looking for StripXpertease Students.
Elin Berge is a Swedish female photojournalist working on a large documentary story about the "empowered erotica" phenomenon - American women who in different ways find liberation by embracing their sexuality. This trend is not yet as big in Sweden or Europe, but the curiousness and interest is starting to grow.
She is very interested in meeting common women who are trying striptease as a part of her story. She wants to learn more about the reasons to explore exotic dance, and how it feels to attend to a class. She's looking for enthusiastic students at StripXpertease who are willing to be photographed during classes to share their experiences.
Elin Berge is a freelance photographer and the story will be available for magazines all over the world since her agency is distributed in USA and Europe. Look at her previous work at .
We are looking for students taking class between 16th and 31st of March. Any students who participate will receive 10% off of class as a thank you for participating.
If interested please respond to with Elin Berge in the subject.

Classes/Workshops/Tours Offered
Basic Moves
Advanced Moves
Pro Moves
D.A.N.C.E. (D.A.N.C.E. is only offered in Manhattan)
Lover's Moves: In-studio only. $170.00 total. Completely private. Female couples welcome also. One couple per class.
Shop N' Strip: Our fabulous two hour walking tour of sexy, sassy, one-of-a-kind lingerie and more stores in the fashionable SOHO shopping district including 4 fantastic lingerie boutiques, 1 female owned adult shop, and plenty of time for shopping and trying on! Take the tour with our expert shopper who will make your experience one to remember! Then meet up at the studio to learn how to strip off your new purchases with a sexy Basic Moves class. Great idea for birthdays and bachelorette parties. Four hours of fun for you and your gal pals. Please contact us for more info. and pricing.
Review Classes
Stripper Strength
Workshops: Public workshops at a discounted rate. $45-60 per person. Check our rates page for more details and dates.