Sunday, April 19, 2009

The g shot.

Holy cow have you gals heard of this? The g-shot. It is an injection that plumps up the g-spot that supposedly helps you reach a more intense orgasm. It isn't FDA approved, but apparently women are loving it! They are even having G-shot parties botox parties, Hmmmm, what a way to bond with your friends. They just take a little shot, stick it in and you are ready to go. Me personally I need more clitoral stimulation, so I dunno if this would be for me. Especially because it is about 2 grand every 4 months. Ouch!

From the g-shot website:
The G-Shot® is a painless office procedure performed in your doctor’s office under local anesthesia. The actual injection usually takes less than 8 seconds and the total office visit time is usually less than 30 minutes. A specially designed speculum is used to assist in the deliver a specified amount of human engineered collagen directly into the G-Spot after local anesthesia. The G-Shot® augments (enlarges) the G-Spot. This results in a G-Spot about the size of a quarter in width, and one fourth of an inch in height (meaning the projection into the vagina). Note that results do vary.

Check out this video about the shot:

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