Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Kiss n' tell....

So a girlfriend calls me today. One I am very close to, and tells me about her escapades last night. In great detail. I mean great detail (I think I was even a little turned on!). It just goes to show that women talk about their sexual adventures just as much as men do. I know a lot of men don't think we do, but with the right girlfriend, we do. She laid out the whole evening from the moment she walked in, to the bed, to breaking the bed, to the floor, to the bed again, to her large rug burn, to words used, positions tried, to where hands and fingers went, to how she feels today. Did I mention the detail, because that was the key. I admit, this was a fellow ex-dancer, so we are more free on our sexual discussions any way. I mean I have been pretty graphic with her about my late nights as well. But still, my other non dancer girlfriends have been equally forth coming...well maybe minus the penthouse forum details. But hell, that's why I love this girl! I just hope I never run into this guy, cause I'm gonna blush!

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