Monday, May 19, 2008 and internet dating...more tidbits

Yay! Some of you are signing up! So for those first timers I have a top ten list for you. OK. So from several bad dates and a handful of good ones. Here is the top 10 reasons that I would hit delete on a profile of someone that has contacted me, or someone I see in a search. By the way, my membership is soon running out, so this might be the last of them ladies...

  1. No picture...yep, sure you are witty, nice, and can show a girl a good time, but when we meet you look like Steve Buscemi. And I am sorry Steve, you're just not my type.

  2. Only one picture. You still look like Steve Buscemi, but you found and posted the one picture with that angle that makes you look like Brad Pitt.

  3. Guys that live too far, I am sorry, it simply won't work. I need to be able to just meet up with you on a whim and it won't work if you live in Westchester. (Austin gals, this is like your dude living in Round Rock if you live in Westlake.)

  4. Guys that profiles make me say,"well, maaaayybe." I have learned that my gut is right! If you think he could maybe work out, it won't. There are sooo many guys on these sites!! Only communicate with ones that you really feel drawn to.

  5. Listing how much money you make, especially of it is over 6 figures. That's gross.

  6. Men that email before reading my profile or reading what I am looking for OR ones that do and say ..I know you don't want a guy in Westchester, but hey I live in Westchester.... No! That is what the likes and dislikes section is for. That is the beauty of this. You can just put it out there. I don't like guys who are A, B, & C. So if you are A,B, or C, then just pass me over. ...It really is simple. (But oookay, to go against this, I have done the whole wink thing to guys who were looking for women younger than myself...but generally, if the say they dont want A and I am A, I don't try to reach out.)

  7. Men who list the age range they prefer as up to 10 yrs younger, but never-ever-ever-EVER anyone older than themselves. Like a 32 yr old looking for women 22-32. Or a 36 yr old looking for 24-35. Yuck. ( see #7.. )

  8. Men that list sarcasm as a turnoff. (which is one of the 10 or so odd things you can say are or aren't turn ons) You are turned off by sarcasm...really?

  9. The freaking form letter email. God I hate this one. Put in a liiiiiittttttle effort, k?

  10. And lastly, this is just me here. But guys with pictures of themselves and babies and kids. I get it, you like kids, but this just seems like you are trying too hard. Like all women wanna have babies and seeing you with your baby niece makes my ovaries yearn for you. On the flip side my friend hates when they have pics with other girls...esp hot girls. That doesn't bother me though.
And of course I used to delete all musicians, but I 've come around on that one, for now. We'll see.

Good luck ladies!

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