Tuesday, January 30, 2007


Sorry for the delay..I have been sick. And catching up is a bitch!!

Recently a client asked: I would like to know how you got into this- how did you become interested and how did you grow your confidence? You are amazing!

So I thought I would share my reply:

Again, thanks. And I got into dancing as a teenager. I was 18 when I started, and danced waaaay too long. I saw the strip cardio fitness thing explode and felt like women were taking these classes as a means to an end. I felt they really wanted to learn the real moves. I had already retired from dancing and decided to teach it. My confidence in dancing and in teaching came from positive feedback, not only from others but from myself. It was only when I looked in the mirror and told myself that I was hot, sexy, vibrant, that I really felt that way. I alone was the true keeper of my confidence. When I told myself that I was not good enough, ugly, fat, then it was true. We really are in charge. It is up to you to convince yourself and it is always hardest in the beginning. It is still a struggle for me, I won't lie, but it really does lie within... that is why I suggest practicing the predator face in the mirror. Put on your sexiest make-up, hair and outfit and crank the music and rock out to yourself in the mirror. Feels good ! Woo!! And when you hear the voice inside say, gees I look bad, or this isn't right, or i look stupid, tell it to shut the f*ck up! Say to your self, I look amazing, damn I look hot, who wouldn't want this, too bad they can't all look and move like me. I know the first thing is to say is, it feels silly, but keep trying.


Friday, January 19, 2007

Check out our latest press release about our striptease lessons

Here it is: Press release.
...or read below...

Real Strippers Don’t Sweat! Striptease classes from StripXpertease teach women how to move like the

StripXpertease teaches women the art of exotic dancing without incorporating the “cardio” aspect into their classes. Instructors believe that true striptease is slow and sensual. Classes help women open them selves up to their sexuality and sensuality without shame.

[ClickPress, Fri Dec 29 2006] Striptease classes are spreading like wildfire, and for good reason. These classes allow women to feel risqué and sexy, just like strippers, but without getting a job at their local strip joint. However, the majority of these classes are fitness based and leave women with a toned rear end, but no idea of how to move it to seduce their lovers. Also, most of these classes are taught by instructors who are completely unfamiliar with striptease as it is performed in upscale gentlemen’s clubs, which is slow and sensual, not sweaty.

To top it off, most instruction institutions are still too afraid of crossing the line and offending someone who might not want to see a woman touch her breast with a twinkle in her eye. StripXpertease, on the other hand, is not scared and is offering classes in the art of true striptease in New Jersey, New York, and Texas, in studios and in their client’s homes.

StripXpertease was created by Kimberly Smith, a former exotic dancer with over 8 yrs of dancing under her belt, who wanted to use her time on the pole to help women feel and look sexy without shame by teaching them how to move just like the pros. She created classes that show women how to dominate and seduce their subject, touch their breasts with reckless abandon, and take back control in the bedroom and in their lives with moves that don’t require fancy equipment like poles, which most women do not even own. StripXpertease teaches moves that real women can duplicate without breaking a sweat, using only a chair and a smile.

The instructors at StripXpertease, who are both former exotic dancers, are using their classes to help women break through the shame behind embracing their sensuality. The company is still denied rental space because of the “type” of classes it teaches and still has clients too afraid to let their family and co-workers know of their recent “education.” Kimberly Smith, owner and NY/NJ instructors says, “Until the world says it's OK for women to be sexual and sensual and appreciate their bodies we will continue to hit that glass ceiling with a resounding thud. Sexuality is nothing to be ashamed of! There is nothing wrong with the classes we teach and the message we share, which is that all women have the right to feel sexy without any shame. Our bodies and our sexuality hold a deep and potent power. A power to change our lives for the better.”

A recent client said after taking a Basic Moves class, “I think there are a lot of women out there that would like to have this talent but are too embarrassed or shy to pursue it. The chance to step out of the mother/homemaker/wife role was great! There are times where I just want to put all of that on the back burner and just be that flirty, sexy predator that you were describing....with nothing else in my focus but making my man squirm. I’m thinking all women are strippers at heart – at least somewhere in their being – and that many of us have been conditioned not to recognize or validate that part of ourselves. We don’t talk about it enough…but I think if we would do that more then all of us would have much more confidence and would have better relationships....knowing that we all felt basically the same way.”

StripXpertease has been operation for over 2 yrs, offering empowering striptease class for women ages 18 to 88. They offer extended classes with many levels to choose from. Each class also includes a cheat sheet. Private lessons for individuals and groups allow class to be limited to just the instructor and student or the instructor and students that all know each other. Each class can be taught in studio or in the student’s home if so desired.

Classes are held in New York City and Austin, Texas. Classes can also be available in New Jersey and other areas of Texas. They cater to bachelorette and birthday parties too.

For further information, or to schedule an interview, contact Kimberly Smith at 800. 747.1462 or Kimberly@stripxpertease.com.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Friday, January 12, 2007

I am too nervous too take a striptease class!!

Oh goodness. I hear this all the time.
I am too fat, too old. I can't dance. I have no rhythm. I have 2 left feet. I don't have boobs. I don't have an ass. I can't move. I can't walk in heels. I am not sexy. I have no experience. I don't have a man to dance for. I don't like my body. Who would be attracted to me dancing?
The list goes on and on. But ladies, listen ....are you listening?
IT DOESN'T MATTER!!!! And it's probably not true. We are so hard on ourselves (my self included), and it limits our potential. There is one thing that trumps all of this and it is confidence. It can make or break you.
So come to the class. That is why we offer private lessons so it is just you and the instructor. We aren't going to laugh at you...I promise. And all women make progress in class. You just have to try. Confidence will come, and sexiness will flow.
If there is something you can do to make a change in your life than do it!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

More miss and don't miss about the strip club and being a stripper

Things I miss:


1.Cat fights, or should I say bitch fights. Man...girls fought hard and often where I worked, well like once every other month. Using shoes and beer bottles, crazzzzy stuff. It always left the room buzzing. I mean, it was horrible, but you couldn't help to get caught up in it and talk about it with every one. I mean some of the girls I worked with had a few screws loose you know, then they would get drunk and mad at each other. Oh, easy entertainment. It is like a car crash, you can't help but look then you tell your friend ..mannnn I saw this really bad wreck!

2.On the same note, chicks flippin' out on customers and fighting with them. I've seen girls straight up punch dudes in the face. Beautiful. Grab my boob, you get warned, do it again, you get knocked the fuck out! I mean some of those guys deserved it.

3. Ok..... I loved watching girls getting so wasted they would start major drama with the managers until it reached the point where they should just stop, but they were so drunk that they couldn't. And then they would get fired. It would be really dramatic with make up smeared and half street clothes half stripper clothes dragging her stuff out the door, as it fell out of her bag ...cussing everyone on the way out. But they would always be back the next day. You see, you never really get fired from a titty bar... I love that. I was never fired by the way.

4.The best was customer fights. Full out bar brawls. Like WWF right up in the club!! The music would stop and the bouncers would come to save the day. I don't know why it was always so exciting, but it was. (I mean they never got too far because of the bouncers.) And I'm not the only one who thought so too. You always felt like you missed out if it went down while you were in the dressing room.

5. And lastly, closing early on a slow night. God bless the early close!

Things I don't miss

1.Smelling like beer and cigarettes.

2.Customers with sticky fingers. I hated when customers stole my outfits. Assholes. What are you going to do, wear it? Actually, I know what you are goign to do...eewww.

3.Guys, who after you dance for a dollar tip on stage for like 15 seconds, say, "Is that it?" Really? A dollar? Is THAT it dude?

4.Guys who wore wind pants....ickkk. Do I need to explain?

5. Girls who steal your makeup. I wanted to get pink eye and leave it all over eyeliner that I never use so that the hoochie who stole it wakes up with crusty eyes.

That reminds me of a story. A girl once asked to borrow my concealer. I said, "Sure!"

She then proceeded to dab my concealer on the pimple on her butt, and then handed it back to me. I was dumbfounded. I just said," Its OK. Keep it." Gross!!!

Monday, January 8, 2007

Why New York Is The Best Place On Earth To Shop!

I just returned from a trip to London and I have to say that New York has the best shopping by far!

I peeked into some local lingerie stores while in town and was not impressed! The best lingerie store I went to was literally steps from where I stayed in Notting Hill, a cute boutique called, Coco Ribbon. Check out their website: www.cocoribbon.com. They sell their own brand as well as Cosabella, Mimi Holiday and Mrs. Chow as well as fun bedroom gifts. They offer a sexy gift idea, a panty delivery service where you receive a varied selection of briefs or thongs 4 times a year in the mail. Other than Coco, shopping lingerie in London really made me appreciate the multitude and diversity that New York offers……undies from France, bathing suits from Italy and all the local boutique offerings…..

So ladies, next time you unroll a stocking onto your leg or adorn yourself with your latest matching bra and panties set, know that we really do live in the city with the best shopping in this world!

Sunday, January 7, 2007

We wanna be sexxxxxy


Yes, we all do...that is why myspace is flooded with 1/2 naked pictures and my classes and others are exploding across the world. We all want to feel attractive, sexy , beautiful. We want to be wanted. We all want people to look and say "Damn." That's is the draw to the business of exotic dancing for so many..not just the money but the constant "damn."
And as much as we women hate when someone random guy on the street goes" hey mommy" or "was up girl" or " damn girl" ...we all secretly love it. And listen ladies, one day, they aren't gonna say it. One day they are going to be helping us across the street. So when some guy goes ..."hey baby " as I walk by on the street I usually roll my eyes, but then I think, thank god.

Friday, January 5, 2007

Will that damn apple haunt us forever?

Will that damn apple haunt us forever? Are we doomed to forever be shameful of our bodies and our sexuality? Are we forever doomed to keep hitting our heads on that glass ceiling? I sure as hell hope not! But something happened last week that definitely left a large goose egg right above my forehead. And I knew right then and there what to write about. NO SHAME! MORE POWER!

There is a lovely studio I rent from in Austin (one of a few). I absolutely love it! Their prices are reasonable, they have double mirrors, the entire building is the studio so there isn't overlapping music or students, and the woman who runs it is sweet as pie. I LOVE it! Unfortunately, she has to move on to bigger and better things in life (I wish her the best!). The story is, this guy is taking over the lease and all the sub-leasees will just rent from him instead of her. She tells him about StripXpertease in an email and I think, all is good. I email him to rent space and he won't return my message, so I contact him again. He finally calls me back and proceeds to tell me that he cannot rent space to me. I felt my heart rate increase. I try to maintain a polite tone as I ask him why. Although I already knew. Sure enough, it is because of what we teach.

I was shocked! Why, why, why, I say. He goes on to say that the "people" he is in business with are in the "public life", and "well we all know how the media can be." He says the "media" might get hold of it and make it scandalous. Scandalous?!?! I said there is no nudity; we aren't having S-E-X in the studio, what is the problem? He was like a broken record. Everything I said, he gave the same response. Public life, media, blah, blah, blah. I said what is the difference between what we do and salsa, tango. Both equally romantic, exotic. But the record played on. He said he understood, it was just his "partners." Yeah, right. I hung up... defeated.

The question I kept asking was what is the media going to say? Don't they support it? Story after story about pole classes at crunch, and striptease in mainstream. Even OPRAH has featured it on FIVE of her shows. The fact is, it isn't the media, it is people. People afraid of their own sexuality. Their own desires. Their own flesh. Afraid of women running around naked in the streets with red lipstick and our boobs bouncing around thrusting the world into total chaos where societies crumble and Howard Stern becomes a demigod.

The truth is, until the world says it's OK for women to be sexual and sensual and appreciate their bodies we will continue to hit that glass ceiling with a resounding thud. I am disappointed, but not surprised that there are still backwoods men and even women closing their doors to the still struggling feminist revolution. Sexuality is nothing to be ashamed of! There is nothing wrong with the classes we teach and the message we share. That all women have the right to feel sexy without shame.

It is shame that causes problems in the bedroom. So shamed we can't open up and look at each other, try new things and relax and feel the joy of intimacy. It is shame that many religions instill when they preach s-e-x only for reproduction. It is shame that parents instill when they talk about s-e-x with wide eyes and furtive glances. It is shame that makes women withdrawn and cold in the bedroom. Why is that we are either whores or virgins. Why can't we explore and express without being chastised?

I could go on and on about how angry I was, how hurt, how disappointed. But it won't change the fact that that jackhole feels the way he feels. But you don't have to. No matter what you believe, or what you stand by, your body is your own and a blessing to have. There is nothing shameful with exploring it and loving it. We are women and our bodies and our sexuality hold a deep and potent power. A power to change our lives for the better. A power to stand up tall and be proud of our curves, our breasts, and our full lips. Imagine how much more fun we would have if we didn't have to hide the fact that we are taking striptease classes. Imagine how much more fun we would have in the bedroom if we weren't afraid...afraid of trying new things, afraid of what he might think, afraid of what our bodies look like, afraid we won't measure up. Imagine how much fun we would have if we used our sexuality a little more to get what we wanted when we wanted it. Imagine how much more fun we would have if we could walk into a "toy" store and but a vibrator or two with out feeling our cheeks flush. Imagine how much fun we could have if we could tell him no, that is not really how I like it. Imagine how much fun we could have if we could wear that really short mini to work without the boss sending us home. Imagine how much fun we would have if we could share these thoughts with our best friends. Ah, imagine.

"We live in a society where s-e-x is somehow shameful and should not be talked about - but we use s-e-x to sell cars. That is backwards. Human sexuality is a blessed gift to be honored and celebrated not twisted and distorted into something demeaning and shameful....Our creator did not give us sensual and sexual sensations that feel so wonderful just to set us up to fail some perverted, sadistic life test. Any concept of god that includes the belief that the flesh and the Spirit cannot be integrated, that we will be punished for honoring our powerful human desires and needs, is - in my belief - a sadly twisted, distorted, and false concept that is reversed to the Truth of a Loving God-Force." -Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Soul

Thursday, January 4, 2007

One more note on shoes and feet...

There is one thing that drives me crazy ...when girls don't point their toes. ALWAYS POINT YOUR TOES!!!!!!!!!!! ALWAYS!!!!!!!!

If you aren't putting weight into the foot then the toes should be pointed ..even when you are standing and especially when you are doing floor moves . Even in boots. The act of pointing will engage the muscles in your leg and instantly give you better lines...so please point.

If your foot starts to cramp..and it will, just realize the more you point the more that little foot muscle gets used to it.

Try flexing and pointing 50 times on each foot.

Then your shoes might start to stretch out. Just by those Payless SS pads I talked about.

Good luck!

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

More about stripper heels...mastering the shoe.

Okay, so you don't wanna wear the stripper heels because you never wear them....or they hurt, or they are too high...well it IS a learned thing.
So wear them in 20 minute increments until you start to feel comfortable, then in 40 minute increments. Keep this up until you can wear them for an hour and not fall. Wear them while you do household chores or while cooking. Your partner will be pleased, that is for sure! Then try squatting and moving around....movements beside just walking. Once you can wear them and not fall, try walking faster and faster until you can do a light jog in them...just from one end of the house to the other. Then you will have mastered the shoes!


Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Meet my girls at StripXpertease!

So there are two lovely ladies at StripXpertease who will be contributing to this blog as well; Monica, our fashion expert and Saralynn, our Texas instructor (her above). I'm looking forward to seeing their posts!

Monday, January 1, 2007

Happy New Yr!!!

Hello all,
Well, what a year huh? Don't we always say that though? I am extremely pleased with the year that StripXpertease has had. A lot of growth and there will be more for the new year including public classes. YAY!
I know that we always look towards the new year with things we want to do to improve ourselves. I can't say I am any different. I have a few resolutions myself. I think the key is to realize that is is okay to have moments of relapse into old habits and backwards ways. It only reminds us how badly we want to change. Momentary relapses make us stronger. So I expect to falter a bit, but to have checked off a lot of my life's to-do list by this time next yr. I started making a list of things I want to do ...changes I want to implement by the beginning of the next year. Then I tuck it away and pull it out same time next yr and see how many I can cross off. Pretty fantastic to cross off one after the other. Especially when you realize how impossible they seemed as you wrote them.
So here is wishing a blessed and fulfilling new yr to all!