Thursday, May 29, 2008

Eden Body Works vs Eden Fantasies

Ok, so last year, the boy was coming to town for a long weekend so I went to Eden Fantasys and bought a boat load of stuff, from toys to oils. Fun stuff! There were several things we hadn't tried before so I was super excited. So he came, and we had a hotel room, so needless to say we had a blast!

Now at the same time my hair was going through a time because I had put so much blonde into in a few months prior. On Oprah, I discovered Eden Body Works. It is a fab company started by teenager and their products were supposed to really heal your hair. So I order online and received the product. It really was great! The shampoo can burn if it gets in your eyes, but that's neither here nor there.

So a few weeks pass and I get a call from Eden asking me how I enjoyed my products. Well, at first I was shocked. I was surprised that a company that sells adult products would call their clients, but I was also delighted. This is pretty much what I said...word for word.

I love your products! And I have to say my boyfriend did too. He came to town for a long weekend, and we had so much fun! I absolutely love your website as well. By the way I teach women's striptease classes and I have been telling all my clients about your site and trying to get them to buy your products. I seriously can't wait to buy more. You guys have some really amazing stuff!"

She hesitated a little and said, "Well, thanks for choosing Eden Body Works. Have a great day." Her tone was slightly off and it made me pause for a moment.




Eden Body Works, not Eden Fantasys. Great. I hung up the phone and immediately went through my script. What exactly did I say? Thank god I didn't go into great detail about this product that we tried. I would have been mortified!

Monday, May 26, 2008


Hello ladies,

Once again, we are combining 2 months in this newsletter. We have been undergoing a lot of changes. I have discovered, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. You see, StripXpertease started out as a private lesson only company. We felt, and still do, that you, the student, learn better in an one-on-one setting as opposed to a group class. Also, we felt girls could be more relaxed if a group class consisted of only their friends. So we are going back to our roots and focusing on our private lessons. All of our previous classes will still be offered, but no longer in that group setting where you might not know the girl next to you. However, we will continue to offer the Basic Moves Intro classes in a public setting for those who want to see what we are all about before jumping into private lessons. And because we are cutting several classes, we are going to make it easier for you to take the Basic Moves Intro by lowering the price. Woo-hoo!
The Desire Series and the Lap Dance Intensive will no longer be offered as public classes. You can still take these classes as private lessons however (individual or self formed groups).
Basic Moves Intro Classes are now just $35 for one ticket and $60 for 2!
The 2nd Stripper Strength class in NYC on Tues nights at 7:40 pm has been cancelled, but it has been replaced with our super fun new class Sexy Steps. You can also use your punch card for this class.
For 2 weeks only, Sexy Steps will be FR*EE! June 24th**TONIGHT! & July 1st.
Sexy Steps: Our new fitness/dance class will be offered Tues. night 7:40-8:50 pm at Pearl Studios. Come get in touch with and tone up your body with this sexy dance class. Half-workout/half jazz dance (think Pussy Cat Dolls), this class will get you working out and feeling sexy about your body. The first half of the class warms you up and tones you up and the second half you will learn a sexy dance routine. No dance experience necessary. This class is open to any and all women who are looking to explore their bodies through dance and/or get in shape in a fun way. Tennis shoes or bare feet for the first half of class, heels for the second (heels are always optional). So there you have it. I hope to see more of you in an one-on-one setting. And if you haven't checked out our intro class, now is the time. See upcoming dates below.
See ya in class,
Check out my BLOG.
P.S. Wedding season is upon us. Book SXT for the perfect bachelorette party, or sign up for private lessons to blow your hubby's mind on your wedding night!

**please note we have switched all of our newsletter subscribers to Constant Contact. If you wish to unsubscribe please do so at the bottom of this email.

June-July Schedule
Note: To ensure a spot in class, please try to sign up at least 1 week in advance.

The dog days of summer are here. And if you are looking for a way to cool off...well, we can't help you. Cuz our classes are hot, hot, HOT! Hotter than a NYC subway station in July. Hotter than a car parked all day in the Texas sun. Hotter than...well, you get the picture. Our classes are hot! All tickets are pre-pay. Purchase tickets here.NYC
Strip Club Field Trip: June 26th Thursday 8-11 pm (end time is approximated)**THIS WEEK!
Stripper Strength: Tuesdays 6:10-7:20 pm @ Pearl
Stripper Strength: Wednesdays 8:10-9:20 pm @ Ripley Grier
Stripper Strength short class: Sundays 2-3 pm at You Should Be Dancing
Sexy Steps: Tuesdays 7:40-8:50 pm @ Pearl**FR*EE for the next 2 weeks!
Basic Moves Intro: July 10th Thursday 7:15-9:15 pm @ Pearl
Basic Moves Intro: July 26th Saturday 2:15-4:15 pm @ Pearl
Strip Club Field Trip: July 31st Thursday 8-11 pm (end time is approximated)
Stripper Strength: Tuesdays 6:10-7:20 pm @ Pearl
Stripper Strength: Wednesdays 8:10-9:20 pm @ Ripley Grier
Stripper Strength short class: Sundays 2-3 pm at You Should Be Dancing
Sexy Steps: Tuesdays 7:40-8:50 @ Pearl
AUSTIN ...all classes are held at Free Spirit Dance StudioJUNE
Basic Moves Intro: June 30th Monday 7:00-9:00 pm
Stripper Strength: Tuesdays 7:00-8:10 pm
Stripper Strength: Thursdays 6:30-7:40 pm
Basic Moves Intro: July 9th Wednesday 7:00-9:00 pm
Basic Moves Intro: July 19th Saturday 6:00-8:00 pm
Strip Club Field Trip: July 24th Thursday 9:30 pm (Meeting location revealed upon sign up)
Stripper Strength: Tuesdays 7:00-8:10 pm
Stripper Strength: Thursdays 6:30-7:40 pm
PRICES AND LOCATIONSAustin: FREE SPIRITNYC: RIPLEY GRIER, CHAMPIONS, PEARLBasic Moves Intro: $35 for one ticket, $60 for 2 **new price!Strip Club Field Trip:$30Stripper Strength: Drop ins are $20, but you can buy a punch card and save $. Private Lessons: $110 & upPrivate Parties: $170 & up

The You Don't Know What I'm Doing Move Breakdown

This was always one of my favorite moves. So sexy. And it really gets him excited. Here is the breakdown for righties (lefties just switch right for left). This move works best with boyshorts.
Start about 3 ft away, facing him. Your legs need to be wider than shoulder width and locked (that means your knees are not bent).
Hook your left thumb into the waistband right above your hip bone. Keeping your thumb against your body, pull the waistband down below your hip bone.
As you are doing the Robert (one of our basic hip swivel moves) and One Handed Lotion, start to slide your right hand, fingers facing down, from your right breast down to your left hand.
As you do this, slowly pull the waistband open with your left hand.
Slip your right hand into the waistband up to your knuckles.
As your hand goes into the waistband, keeping legs locked, do a Circle Stripper Bend (bend down on the right side and sweep your body across in a half circle as if you were cleaning off a table with your chest) and move both hands directly over your crotch. You must bend down low enough so that he can't see what you are doing with your hands...he can only imagine.
After you complete the Circle Stripper Bend come back up to standing and move the left hand back to your hip bone.
Slowly move your right hand back up towards your face with fingers down. As your hands cross over your breast, point your fingers towards your face.
Bring your middle finger all the way into your mouth, and make eye contact as you suck on your finger. Finish with a naughty little smile. I'm sure he'll be smiling too.
To learn moves like the Robert and the One Handed Lotion, sign up for our Basic Moves Intro Class.
In This Issue
June-July Schedule
The You Don't Know What I'm Doing Move Breakdown


Private Lessons & Public Classes: Striptease, Lap Dancing, Floor Moves, Full Routines, Stripper Strength and Sexy Steps Work Out Class, Couples Class, Lingerie Shopping Tours, Field Trips, Pleasure (Toy) PartiesSign up for private lessons/public classes here.See all class descriptions here.
CONTACT US: WEB: StripXpertease.comPHONE: 1.800.747.1462 OR 212.677.1831EMAIL:
Studio Classes available in NYC & Austin, Texas.In-home classes available in NYC & Austin, Texas. In home classes also available in NY, Northern New Jersey, Long Island, Dallas, Houston, San Antonio, San Marcos, and various other Texas cities for an additional travel fee.

You can see previous newsletters on our blog
Secret Special: Contact us to set up a private party or lesson and mention the Secret Special. If you place your deposit for that party between June 26-27th, you'll save 10%. (A savings of up to $40)Newsletter Give-Away: You might have to do a little research on this one, so we're giving away 2 tickets to a Basic Moves Intro of your choosing. I worked at Expose in Austin, which is owned by the same guys who own Palazio in Austin, who also opened up a strip club here in NYC. What is the name of that club? Good luck!The winner from the March/April newsletter was Jennifer D. Congrats!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Another reason to love AP

I love Agent Provocateur. Their stores are a den of luscious fabrics and naughty delights. Not your mama's lingerie store! But recently I was browsing their site and saw yet another reason I love them. No airbrushing of the nipples and crotch. Beautiful! Another step forward in the march towards no shame about our bodies!

Doesn't it make you just want to snatch up a new pair?

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Kiss n' tell....

So a girlfriend calls me today. One I am very close to, and tells me about her escapades last night. In great detail. I mean great detail (I think I was even a little turned on!). It just goes to show that women talk about their sexual adventures just as much as men do. I know a lot of men don't think we do, but with the right girlfriend, we do. She laid out the whole evening from the moment she walked in, to the bed, to breaking the bed, to the floor, to the bed again, to her large rug burn, to words used, positions tried, to where hands and fingers went, to how she feels today. Did I mention the detail, because that was the key. I admit, this was a fellow ex-dancer, so we are more free on our sexual discussions any way. I mean I have been pretty graphic with her about my late nights as well. But still, my other non dancer girlfriends have been equally forth coming...well maybe minus the penthouse forum details. But hell, that's why I love this girl! I just hope I never run into this guy, cause I'm gonna blush!

Monday, May 19, 2008 and internet dating...more tidbits

Yay! Some of you are signing up! So for those first timers I have a top ten list for you. OK. So from several bad dates and a handful of good ones. Here is the top 10 reasons that I would hit delete on a profile of someone that has contacted me, or someone I see in a search. By the way, my membership is soon running out, so this might be the last of them ladies...

  1. No picture...yep, sure you are witty, nice, and can show a girl a good time, but when we meet you look like Steve Buscemi. And I am sorry Steve, you're just not my type.

  2. Only one picture. You still look like Steve Buscemi, but you found and posted the one picture with that angle that makes you look like Brad Pitt.

  3. Guys that live too far, I am sorry, it simply won't work. I need to be able to just meet up with you on a whim and it won't work if you live in Westchester. (Austin gals, this is like your dude living in Round Rock if you live in Westlake.)

  4. Guys that profiles make me say,"well, maaaayybe." I have learned that my gut is right! If you think he could maybe work out, it won't. There are sooo many guys on these sites!! Only communicate with ones that you really feel drawn to.

  5. Listing how much money you make, especially of it is over 6 figures. That's gross.

  6. Men that email before reading my profile or reading what I am looking for OR ones that do and say ..I know you don't want a guy in Westchester, but hey I live in Westchester.... No! That is what the likes and dislikes section is for. That is the beauty of this. You can just put it out there. I don't like guys who are A, B, & C. So if you are A,B, or C, then just pass me over. ...It really is simple. (But oookay, to go against this, I have done the whole wink thing to guys who were looking for women younger than myself...but generally, if the say they dont want A and I am A, I don't try to reach out.)

  7. Men who list the age range they prefer as up to 10 yrs younger, but never-ever-ever-EVER anyone older than themselves. Like a 32 yr old looking for women 22-32. Or a 36 yr old looking for 24-35. Yuck. ( see #7.. )

  8. Men that list sarcasm as a turnoff. (which is one of the 10 or so odd things you can say are or aren't turn ons) You are turned off by sarcasm...really?

  9. The freaking form letter email. God I hate this one. Put in a liiiiiittttttle effort, k?

  10. And lastly, this is just me here. But guys with pictures of themselves and babies and kids. I get it, you like kids, but this just seems like you are trying too hard. Like all women wanna have babies and seeing you with your baby niece makes my ovaries yearn for you. On the flip side my friend hates when they have pics with other girls...esp hot girls. That doesn't bother me though.
And of course I used to delete all musicians, but I 've come around on that one, for now. We'll see.

Good luck ladies!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Strippers are part therapist/ part girlfriend/ part best friend/ part fantasy.

I am always surprising women when I say this. But, believe it, it is true. First of all, women in strip clubs make the majority of their money off of our regular customers. These are guys that come in regularly. A regular is this, the guy that can come in

  • every day

  • several times a week

  • once a week

  • once a month

  • whenever he is town

I have had all of these. This was my bread and butter. My main income. And the majority of what you do to make money with regulars is Yep, that is it. Talk. The really good regulars you don't even have to dance for. You just talk. About the news, the girls in the bar, the music, politics, the weather, name it. You listen to their problems. You offer advice. In a sense, you become their therapist. It is a weird dynamic but it exists. I have had regulars cry, telling me about their problems.

Also in a sense, you become their girlfriend. Some one they can share their ups and downs with, laugh with, party with, flirt with. You would hear when they got a promotion or got fired, when they were upset or happy. And they want to know all about your life too. What you like and dislike, your ups and downs. Sometimes I divulged all, with others it was all BS. You have to become a pretty good liar, keeping up with which guy you told which thing too.

You also become their fantasy. If their girlfriend doesn't like anal sex, you talk about it. You learn what they are looking for, what they like, and you play to it. So with each regular you are something different. With one you are ultra smart, one you are ditsy, one girl next door, another, the dirty girl. With one you might be demure and quiet, with another you're loud and brazen. You become multiple characters. One of the hardest acting gigs I ever had. Maybe that's why I was good at it. Or maybe its because I am a Gemini....which one am I today?

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Friday, May 16, 2008 update

Well, I can't say it's all been roses. But I have learned about myself, why I am dating, and what I want. Look, I am sooooo not looking to get married and have kids, I just want a best friend, who I can be intimate with. A partner in crime, a shoulder to lean on, someone to take care of, some to love and love me. Someone to dance for!!!
So...the names have been protect the innocent and the plain stupid (PETER!)
So, lets see, the first time I signed up, my first date was with a shrink, lets call him Oscar. Intelligent, sexy, mysterious. We did the whole long email exchange, talk on the phone thing, and then set up a coffee date. The first thing he said on the date turned me off. He said he didn't get why people went to see live music....umm, yeah, see ya. It ended there.
Then I met another dude, for coffee...forgot his name. He went to Burning Man a lot which I thought was awesome, but I wasn't drawn to him, so it ended there. Then I met a fellow entrepreneur, let's call him Sonny. He was nice, good looking, driven, but lived in Staten Island, which was just too far and the chemistry felt forced. There was a second date, but not a third. Then there was Marc. Great first date, but he was too touchy-feely, and it killed it for me. I had a couple other uneventful 1st dates... one with a guy who reminded me of the ex..nooo, and one that made the first move a bit forced, so it turned me off. I suppose I wasn't that into any of these guys or maybe I just wasn't ready.
Those were all from my first time with Match/eharm, went back to "the boy" and ended my accounts. Of course, as you know, things ended again, so I went back, armed with a better knowledge of how it worked and what I wanted too. The first guy I met, we'll call Simon. We met the night before Valentine's Day on a whim, we hung out for hourrrs, had a lot in common including an obsession with a very cheesy yet AMAZING TV show, which I will not reveal. He asked me out again on V-day and I was on cloud nine. We had a whirlwind first week and he told me he wanted to take his profile down off of match. I freeeeaaked. Was I ready for that? I told him it freaked me out, and we still saw a lot of each other after that, but I think it was the beginning of the end. Not to mention he was never available due to crazy work hours. He was the first man I slept with since leaving the boy. Hell the first since I moved to NY, besides "the boy." Let me tell you, that was a HUGE step. Any how, after a month and a half it just fizzled out. I fought it for a bit, but then gave in. He was a really nice guy and I really hope he finds a girl that works for him. It obviously wasn't me.

So when things started to get weird with Simon. I started talking to other men. I figured he was dating other people , so why shouldn't I? I met Jack, he was older, in amazing shape, and a ton of fun. I felt as if I had known him for years. He just didn't have a care in the world. It was sooo refreshing! At the same time I also met Peter. Peter I really liked. He was handsome, extremely sexy, daring, an amazing kisser, smart, really into music, in fact used to work in the industry, but NOT a musician (YAY!). By the way, for those that don't know, "the boy" was a musician. So, we had an amazing week with several dates and then I had to leave town for a week. When I came back, he blew me off. Maybe its because I didn't sleep with him. Suuuucked. And Jack, well I still don't know what happened with Jack. For all I know we are still It was weird, but I know it would never really work out with him anyway because he is allergic to dogs. Yeah, not gonna work. I would love to be friends though, he really is a lot of fun. I met one other guy that I liked as well, but after two dates it ended...again after saying I wasn't ready to sleep with him...hmmm... pattern?
So, knowing my account was running out at the end of May, I decided to give it one-more-shot. I will not reveal all that is happening at the moment, but let's just say I am just going with the flow and I am pretty content. I just don't want to get my hopes up anymore only to be blown off. But I met another boy, no, I shouldn't say, I met a man.
You see, I decided after "the boy," NO MORE MUSICIANS, hell, no more artists, period! But that is who I love...and dammit, those are the ones who always break my heart. So, in my last month I set out to try one last stab at an "artist." (Something I had avoided like the plague. In fact, if I saw a guy with a picture of himself playing any kind of instrument, I immediately deleted!). I think I was subconsciously thinking it would end badly and it give me a reason give up on dating for a while. And so in my search I actually met an "artist." And so far, I like him. I really do. And so, yes, he plays an instrument...whatever! I am just so tired of being hurt. I can feel I am a little more closed, more guarded, more reluctant, but we will see what happens.
Wish me luck.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Kimberly playing around part II

Ok, so this is me again...with our advanced move "the Lolita" I love this song. "Whats It Gonna be" by Busta Rhymes.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Reunion dot com OMG

So I occasionally get emails from them saying so-n-so looked for me. I thought it would be interesting...old classmates, old gal pals, etc. So I signed up. For the free account. Although there was an option to purchase an upgrade. It said I could import my contacts and see who was on. I happen to have a gmail account, and lovely gmail saves anyone who you have EVER emailed as a contact.

So here is what the site emails EVERYONE in my address book. EVERYONE.

I have 1309 contacts in gmail, included old friends, subscriptions, people I don't like , people I've dated , etc. They all just received this....

I looked for you on notice it says i "looked for you" im some crazy stalker!) but you weren't there. I use to search for lost friends and contacts, and to stay connected with people I know, so please connect with me.

RESPOND TO KIMBERLY:Connect with Kimberly Now!( link was here) - You'll also find out if anyone else is searching for you. - Life Changes. Keep in Touch.™ You have received this email because a Member sent an invitation to this email address. For assistance, please refer to our FAQ or Contact Us. Our Address: 2118 Wilshire Blvd., Box 1008, Santa Monica, CA 90403-5784

Can you say mortified? Good thing is you actually have to sign up to see my profile, which I have since deleted. And Kimberly Smith is a pretty common name, or that's what I keep telling myself. F*#K!