Thursday, May 29, 2008

Eden Body Works vs Eden Fantasies

Ok, so last year, the boy was coming to town for a long weekend so I went to Eden Fantasys and bought a boat load of stuff, from toys to oils. Fun stuff! There were several things we hadn't tried before so I was super excited. So he came, and we had a hotel room, so needless to say we had a blast!

Now at the same time my hair was going through a time because I had put so much blonde into in a few months prior. On Oprah, I discovered Eden Body Works. It is a fab company started by teenager and their products were supposed to really heal your hair. So I order online and received the product. It really was great! The shampoo can burn if it gets in your eyes, but that's neither here nor there.

So a few weeks pass and I get a call from Eden asking me how I enjoyed my products. Well, at first I was shocked. I was surprised that a company that sells adult products would call their clients, but I was also delighted. This is pretty much what I said...word for word.

I love your products! And I have to say my boyfriend did too. He came to town for a long weekend, and we had so much fun! I absolutely love your website as well. By the way I teach women's striptease classes and I have been telling all my clients about your site and trying to get them to buy your products. I seriously can't wait to buy more. You guys have some really amazing stuff!"

She hesitated a little and said, "Well, thanks for choosing Eden Body Works. Have a great day." Her tone was slightly off and it made me pause for a moment.




Eden Body Works, not Eden Fantasys. Great. I hung up the phone and immediately went through my script. What exactly did I say? Thank god I didn't go into great detail about this product that we tried. I would have been mortified!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yikes! lol...

*Erika V*