Monday, June 16, 2008

I kissed a girl...and Iiked it

So this is the new Katy Perry song. I love this song and use it in the workout class.

When I first heard it, I was trying to remember the first time I kissed a girl. I think it was M., my high school friend and roomie. I think it was her, my boyfriend, and me, all a little blitzed and playing around. I was 18, young, anxious to open myself up to new experiences, eager to learn everything there was to learn in the world. I vaguely remember it. I do remember she had these small lips that were so soft and so perfectly round. And to this day I think that kiss will always stand out as being one of the best girl kisses.
Of course after that I kissed plenty of girls. It was a bit par for the course working in a strip club. And although I have labeled my self straight, I think women are sexy and I can definitely appreciate their beauty and their sexiness. If I am drawn to a woman, I might kiss her. But these days I doubt it would go any further than that. Funny thing about my past girl/girl kisses. I do remember some were better than others and being surprised at that. I thought all kisses received from my fellow females would be luscious and yummy....but, not so much. Some girls were forceful and hard. I have never really been one for hard kissing. I like them to be soft and lingering.

I do remember the last time I kissed a girl though. It's a pretty damn good story too, if I do say so myself. It's one of those stories that would be better if I was a guy, hanging with the guys at some sporting event retelling the details of this late night tryst.
It was at Hustler Club here in NY. I went to go have a dance or two with my roommate and best friend, who I'll call Big D (who is a guy btw). We arrive and get escorted to a table against the back wall. I am immediately approached by a lovely dark blonde gal. She sat on my lap and starts scratching my back and talking to me. She had her hustle on, which I hate because I know that game so well. But I suppose it is unavoidable. I had one dance, it was good, but nothing really spectacular. But...there was just something about her. And she had an accent, something Eastern European. It was hot.
I needed to use the bathroom, so I go to excuse myself, and she says in her broken accent, "No come with me, there is a bathroom just for us over here."
Score! No waiting in line for me! So I follow her down the back stairs to this dingy little bathroom with a small sink and two stalls. I quickly pee and come out to wash my hands. She is in the mirror fixing her hair. She stands aside, but instead of letting me wash my hands she twists me around and pushes my back against the sink. She puts her hands on my face and kisses me. And it was a good kiss...not hard or forceful. She was smooth and soft and passionate. For a second I thought holy cow, what the hell is going on? This is not me, making out with some girl in a bathroom at a strip club...not me anymore! But then I thought wait, now the tables are turned. I am not the dancer, I am not a fellow coworker, this is not a previous experience. This is new, this is just a moment between two women that had this spark, so in my head I said just roll with it Kimberly. And I did. We kissed for several minutes, hands roving, heavy breathing in between kisses. My whole body tingled.
We were interrupted by another dancer, which I was a bit grateful for. There was only so much I could take at that moment. She said she needed to get back to work and excused herself, flashing a smile back at me as she walked through he door. I shook my head, washed my hands, and headed back to my table. I told D. what had happened with such excitement that my eyes watered. His response....with a shrug and a nod he said "Eh..."
EH?!?!? Damn. It really takes a lot to impress him.
Well, I was impressed and I guess that's all that mattered. I wish I could remember her name...even if it wasn't her real name.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dayum girl for a second I thought I was reading a steamy novel lol...I had the visual and all lol...

*Erika V*