Tuesday, June 10, 2008

I counted...over 150...

That's how many times I was contacted in just one month on Match.com. That's my profile pic by the way. This is why I was telling a recent girlfriend, you have to get on!!! Now, lady!! She is this amazing girl in this weird situation, which I can't really explain here. But she needs to find a man. Someone to appreciate her for who she is dammit!

So, how many did I respond to in that month, which was the 2nd to last month I had on Match(well, before they fucking auto renewed me)?
Yep. Well, in total, there were five guys I had correspondence with. Three that I had contacted first (I'm such a go-getter!) and two that contacted me first. I went out with 4 of them in that one month period (one of them stopped emailing me after a few exchanges...eh, who knows?).

So, here's how it played out..or how it's currently playing out...

  • #1, who I contacted first, dropped me after 2 dates (I've briefly discussed him before... the second date got hot and heavy and he said he wanted to take it further but I wanted to wait. We had plans for Sunday and he never returned my calls. Nice.)

  • I dropped #2, who again I contacted, after one date and many (waayyyy too many) IMs and phone calls. But to be fair, we made plans for a second date and he said he didn't realize we had made plans on the evening that we had plans, even though we had talked about it a few times before, turn off number one. Also, he was one of handful of musicians I reached out to in some masochistic effort to be driven away from match in disgust, semi-turn off number two. And he constantly analyzed our relationship, like really, a play by play thing, even though we had only been out once, yet another turn off. And he wanted to talk on the phone and IM all the time. I was looking for a relationship, not a pen pal. And as far as rescheduling a second date we couldn't even begin to get our schedules right. By the way he contacted me again, so to be fair I emailed him telling him I was seeing someone else and it wasn't gonna work. And I was very nice I might add. But I just got his very nasty response in email and in text. I am soooo biting my tongue on my description of him right now. Lord! We might have to save this for another entry.

  • And #3, well, I liked him and we went out once. He contacted me. He had a crazy work schedule so it was hard to meet and not to long ago he asked me out again. I have to tell you ....and I regretted it as soon as I did it, but I said yes. I said yes because I was scared to death not to. Because you see, the other one, #4, who I contacted,... well... I'm still seeing him. And I really like this guy. But after the boy I am really scared of being hurt. I mean the can't breathe-eyes glued shut-stomach in your feet-cold sweat scared. I guess we all are in a sense. But this is the first time in a long time that I have really liked someone. And holy cow, it is scary stuff, because you want to put your self out there but then again you feel like you have to be guarded and safe. I felt like I needed to keep my options open in case #4 didn't work out. But after a sleepless night I realized that if I did really like #4 then I had to give it a chance without any distractions. And I do like him, so much, so I told #3 that I had to cancel, and that I couldn't see him for a second date, and I explained why. I felt bad...he's a really nice guy. And he responded back very nicely ...unlike someone else!

So we'll see. I am opening myself up, no back up plan, no back up man. I feel like my last relationship was so completely fucked up that anything that even slightly resembles normal is fantastic. But I'm definitely still playing goalie...

So for now I'm not responding to any more Match responses. But I still have a few stories to share. I just won't have any new ones for a while (...hell, I hope!). Seriously, what am I gonna talk about in the Wed. night Stripper Strength class...lol. But I still have a few old stories to share. Oh yeah, recently got an email from Simon. Can't wait to tell you about that one.


Love Guru Blaire Allison said...

Hi Kim!

My first comment on your blog, how exciting!

You are such a killer catch. We need to talk.

Wayyy to many men are emailing you (which I know this is supposed to be a good thing) - but the reason why none of them are a good match is because you're profile is lacking some UMF to make you stand out

More info here: it's for my 6 week dating strategies boot camp (6 weeks to scoop him, screen him, weed him) - - and i'm updating it at we speak cause the study at home course is ready.

This will help you BIG TIME

The Love Guru

Kimberly:Stripxpert said...

scoop him, screen hin, weed him..f'in great. Well as you know, I was out of the "scene" so long i feel like a toddler on a tricycle. ...just learning to ride. But i did meet someone and things are going smoothly at the moment. he's fantastic...no pressure, no problems...im quite smitten. so im not gonna be on it(match.com) anymore for now, but if things don't work out :( then we must talk!

Kimberly:Stripxpert said...

ps. I cant wait to get my goodies from meplovetoys.com!Im trustin' you on the O gel. If I have to go to the ER from multiples you'll hear from me!